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Kanna - Maple Alliance not available?

Reactions: 300
Posts: 11
edited December 2016 in Tech Support
I've searched the forums, Google, Youtube, and no where anyone has found out how to do the Maple Alliance storyline for Kanna. Usually this wouldn't be SUCH a big deal, but considering this is in the V tracker, it means no Kanna's will be able to complete the tracker until this is resolved. Is the quest even available for Kanna? Will you guys just complete it for Kanna's? What's going on?

Edit: Here's a picture to what I mean.



  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 664
    edited December 2016
    I'm having the same issue on my Kanna in Mardia. I looked for the quest but it does not seem to exist.
  • LearnLearn
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 11
    edited December 2016

    I'm having the same issue on my Kanna in Mardia. I looked for the quest but it does not seem to exist.
    I hope they can find a way to fix this in a way.
  • Sweetheart123Sweetheart123
    Reactions: 1,285
    Posts: 204
    edited December 2016
    they mean the guild pq