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V-Update Experience as a returning player

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Posts: 10
edited December 2016 in General Chat
This patch has been so far really painful to play.
1) Reboot servers are really unplayable at certain hours due to extreme lag and constantly dcing at some bosses.
2) Some of the V-Update events such as claiming Master craftmant cubes from rewards are bugged.
3) I dont know if GMS is doing this intentionally but they released Random hair mix coupon con cashshop instead of the regular mix coupon just like KMS did on their pre V-Update. Dont really want to think GMS is doing this for $$$.
4) Dont know if content is not updated but it is impossible to complete MapleGuide because of some level restrictions such us Netts pyramid which it seems to be done at lvl 80-89 normal mode only. With burning event going on its impossible to complete it since u need to kill 5 times the bosses. Killing the bosses on hard mode (lv 90+ wont count)
5) Beast tamers are still bug as %"#$" Majestic Trumpet CD keeps reseting everytime it hits any monster which is not how it works if compared to TMS and JMS recent.

How about you guys?