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Noob questions

Reactions: 1,375
Posts: 89
edited December 2016 in General Chat
1. how do i transfer items from one character to another? i have the V patch box which says transferable through account i assume same world but doesn't say it excludes certain classes. also can i do this with money as well? don't think i want to play the character i took the box on.

2. Is it easy to loot on very high mobility characters with pets? im playing a Thief ( going assassin ) and although i only got the snail right now im looking to buy a pet and what not for it to do stuff for me including loot but i don't want to miss out on items or money when training i want to simply focus on grinding. right now it seems like im focusing more on trying to loot then train with the snail and in the past when i got the auto move skill every time i moved slightly it would reset so not sure if they fixed that and it didn't automatically move i had to stand stationary for some time for it to start moving, this was years ago of course.

3. what is a fun class to play that semi new and does pretty good damage i want to boss. i've played cygnus, kaiser, pretty much everything except zero, beast tamer, evan up to a high level, kinesis when it came out to some point, and blaster, and luminos. the rest i've played to a decent point to get an idea if i like them or not. i am currently thinking Aran, Kaiser if i can hotkey moves and not mash combo's to execute skills or a ranged class. i used to main a DrK, Hero, Merc, Bishop, BM and NL. looking for something fresh or at least have great potential for bossing when everything is funded compared to other classes even when those are funded just as much. i've seen the DPM 5th job chart and of course it's unrealistic but idk how this no dmg cap will work and if all classes will have the same oppertunity for maximizing dmg for bossing or not


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    1. Through Storage. Every town has a different NPC labeled "Storage", but they all lead to the same storage space, which is also shared among all your characters.

    2. Pet movement skills haven't really changed over the years. If you're constantly jumping around, your pet will have a hard time looting everything. If you want to not miss drops, you're going to have to take breaks from grinding and lead the pet around the map to pick everything up.
  • JaridavinJaridavin
    Reactions: 435
    Posts: 24
    edited December 2016
    As for 3, we can't answer what if fun to you. Fun is based person to person.

    I never got far enough for bossing, but I really just recommend what you find fun. There's no point in picking the best if you don't enjoy it.
  • BarfonwhalesBarfonwhales
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 89
    edited December 2016
    thanks yea i just decided to stick to my thief since i do enjoy it just pisses me off about the looting and recharging stars but i will get used to it.