You only have one rule, which means there is no rules to define what's true or false or to say last post of 'THIS' thread. So, we are all winners. Well, until they upgrade the forum software... Now I'm curios to know who posted last on the thread in the last forum version. LOL
If I'm the last post, would that mean I came in last or in first? Can coming in last be called winning? Can coming in first be called losing? The intricacies of life never cease to amaze me.
We need more breadsticks. This thread served well as a temporary bread catalog for me. Now I have to resort to less convenient methods for breadstick browsing, like google images.
This is the final post. It is so because I used header text.
Also remember when the thread was at least a thousand pages long?
Also remember breadsticks?
I didn't get my badge for 100 posts yet.
Meanwhile I couldn't be held at gunpoint to be more active.
Plus I got nothing better to do with my free time and my boyfriend got a new job so it's lonely.
I got the badge. F5