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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
This is really bothersome.
Link to a video of a demonstration:
Tho most of it is irrelevant, here's the form:
Bug type: Boss patterm-related... kinda
Brief bug summary:
Lotus stage 1 behavior is different that what it's supposed to be.
More details:
When fighting Lotus, the laser that is supposed to rotate around the map "skips" and lags, and doesn't behave the way it's supposed to.
In addition to that, the colorful mini flying robots are supposed to inflict bad status, which they don't do.
To top it all off, the falling debris are supposed to inflict stun, and it doesn't happen.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce:
Have a level 180+ character walk into a battle with lotus. Stay there for more than 10 seconds. The problems should be clear by then.
Character name: HolyGiraffe
Character level: 222
Character job: Bishop
World name: Broa
Even still, other players confirm to expiriance the same issue.
As for your second point, seems like that crazy-laser doesn't happen on channel 1 specificly.
But that's not a true solution.
With only 50% status reduction, you will feel the status effect for around 1 seconds.
Tested this myself. This mean all status effect inflicted by monsters will be affect by abnormal status reduction (hence the shorter bomb duration in Ursus after the Limitless patch due to status resistance).