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No Game Update Post?

Reactions: 1,855
Posts: 106
edited December 2016 in General Chat
I was all ready to do a "inb4coinscomeup" post... but there was no post D:
  1. Do you like me?18 votes
    1. Yes, will you marry me?
       11% (2 votes)
    2. Yeah, but you're too fat/ugly/weird to marry me.
       17% (3 votes)
    3. I guess..
       11% (2 votes)
    4. I don't even know you.
       22% (4 votes)
    5. No, you suck.
       11% (2 votes)
    6. Hell no fool!
       0% (0 votes)
    7. I hate you, and I want you to marry me so we can bitterly fight infront of our kids like my parents.
       6% (1 vote)
    8. I simply hate you, it's not mean, just a fact - it is 72deg out and I hate you.
       6% (1 vote)
    9. Daleth if you add any more options to this I'll say I hate you.
       11% (2 votes)
    10. I hate you with a fiery passion.
       6% (1 vote)


  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016
    Well the V Box Event caps at 60 coins per day along with several other events rewarding V Coins.

    Micro-Site V News: Patch Notes for V: 5th Job

    Along with the fact during the recent stream, SavageAce explained that they capped the Shining Santa Boxes 10 V Coins per day to prevent mindless grind-fest and actually enjoy events.

    There are several complaints about the events, but most people have seem to quiet down after they learned that fact.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited December 2016

    Well the V Box Event caps at 60 coins per day along with several other events rewarding V Coins.

    Micro-Site V News: Patch Notes for V: 5th Job

    Along with the fact during the recent stream, SavageAce explained that they capped the Shining Santa Boxes 10 V Coins per day to prevent mindless grind-fest and actually enjoy events.

    There are several complaints about the events, but most people have seem to quiet down after they learned that fact.
    "We don't want people just grinding endlessly for boxes for coins." Instead you're going to have people grinding endlessly for snowflakes for chairs?

    I still think it was a knee-jerk reaction for damage control because the boxes were wholly uncapped.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited December 2016


    Well the V Box Event caps at 60 coins per day along with several other events rewarding V Coins.

    Micro-Site V News: Patch Notes for V: 5th Job

    Along with the fact during the recent stream, SavageAce explained that they capped the Shining Santa Boxes 10 V Coins per day to prevent mindless grind-fest and actually enjoy events.

    There are several complaints about the events, but most people have seem to quiet down after they learned that fact.
    "We don't want people just grinding endlessly for boxes for coins." Instead you're going to have people grinding endlessly for snowflakes for chairs?

    I still think it was a knee-jerk reaction for damage control because the boxes were wholly uncapped.
    I'll agree that there could have been much betters ways to handle this such as keeping it uncapped or having a higher cap than 10. At the moment, what has been done has been done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    To be honest, I don't like the fact that I still have to scrap up every single event to gather a bundle of V Coins just to get several items. It's really inconsistent and time-consuming from jumping one place to another.

    In-fact I would have been happier if they upped the coin caps for boxes or V Coin rewards in general. Or just decrease the shop prices. But again, just my opinion.

  • MachoDanshakuMachoDanshaku
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 29
    edited December 2016
    Now they force us to do party quests to get our coins. Social interaction. Ew.
  • LairLair
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 60
    edited December 2016
    those poll options though.... lolz
  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016

    "We don't want people just grinding endlessly for boxes for coins." Instead you're going to have people grinding endlessly for snowflakes for chairs?

    I still think it was a knee-jerk reaction for damage control because the boxes were wholly uncapped.
    And I got almost twice as much boxes than I got snowflakes while hunting for boxes yesterday for a little while.
    That's a silly reason though. People WANT the coins because the rewards are pretty good. MS has been a grindfest for years now, grinding for boxes isn't a big deal.
  • BarfonwhalesBarfonwhales
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 89
    edited December 2016
    i think in all of maplestory i only hated one person and that was a hacker. i would set up my shop in the FM and get a good spot in the bottom platforms 1-7 which was a prime spot and then he would some how disconnect me by spamming in my shop so it dc's me so i would lose the spot and then rinse and repeat all day. it was very annoying