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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Party play zones but where?
So the patch notes say "Added party-play zones." in a better maple section. But fail to give any indication of where these party play zones are....... Give us detailed patch notes please Nexon.
Yeah, I agree the update notes should tell us that sort of stuff.
If im right though, check the quick move for that icon and see how far it goes
If not that then Veracent probably.
Also the site isn't showing.
All I can tell you is Spadow's translated info that states that it's for High lvl players helping low lvl players
I think these are some of the areas and lvl ranges you can choose from. There might be more, I just grabbed these from CMS's chat board on Baidu
Party maps and solo maps for each their own.
This is odd phrasing and I wonder whether it's a flat 50% regardless of number of party members, or 50% per member (as old LKC used to be, so 250% bonus for a full party).
Phrasing is indeed odd, but I hope it is the former. The latter option was just abused way too heavily.
Anyone who can do so, trains with a HS'er already. So this would be just an extra bonus for those with two computers.
The latter option would at least encourage people to go find some friends to afk in their map. Not that many people have six computers.
Anyway, the list of Party Play areas can be accessed from the Quick Move in (some) towns, such as Henesys. Commerci is the highest level one.