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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[SCANIA] T>21% LUK Legendary Superior Gollux
So I have 2 21% LUK Legendary Superior Gollux Accessories: A Ring and An Earring. Both are clean and are hammered twice successfully (Ring 8 Slots, Pendant 9 Slots). I am looking to trade them for an equivalent or better % STR Ring/Earring (MUST BE LEGENDARY). I will pay for the differences in stats, ie. if they are perfect scrolled I will pay a couple Billion mesos or so (subject to negotiation). Also, I am looking for any Legendary Gollux Belt, preferred if it has 21% STR and/or scrolling but not required. Reply to this thread or buddy ZeroNoJikan and PM me.