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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Gallery: Peek Into Lachelein and Meet Lucid
So cruel. . .
Saygo is the CM for Dragon Nest. He partnered with QA tester dthmadness and Production Manager SavageAce for the recent V update stream where they showed off a couple skills and scratched at Lucid:
He's the one on the right with the beanie.
This girl is going Yandere...
Lmao ohh I don't even know who ace is. I've heard of his name through the forums but I thought he was just a mod. So is Saygo now a part of the maple team and who is the new CM for the maple team? I feel like I'm so behind on things lol.
We don't have a new CM yet.
Saygo is just helping OneLetter (the chief CM) out by posting notices and stuff here.
@Nexon How are y'all going to fire someone and not have someone in mind to fill in their spot. #nexonlogic #ripforums
Very first open position
Stop "applying" through the forums, they don't read this stuff. Apply like a grownup.
There currently isn't a CM for Maplestory. As far as I know, Saygo is just filling in. However I don't know the inner workings of the company.
I didn't ask you if you knew the "inner workings" of the company I asked you who Saygo is and who the new CM is if there is one yet. Let's not get sassy boo boo. *inserts shrugging gif*