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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
make some skills for phantom passive?
it would be a little more enjoyable if the Phantom class did not have to buff every skill.
if you can make a few of the skills passive it would be really more enjoyable like the dualblades thorns skill is not a passive.
skills to make passive
clair de lune
bad luck ward
Priere D' Aria
Cane booster
phantoms have a lot of skills that need to be put on and by the time you have them all on you have only 1.8 min to train or so befor you need to buff it again even with haveing 3 pets doing one buff each
example as a phantom i have a long list of skills i use at once these skills are
impeccable memory 1
impeccable memory 2
impeccable memory 3
cane booster
bad luck ward
calair de lune
priece D' aria
decent hyperbody
decent sharp eyes
maple warrior
final feint
the Vskills need to be able to be put in a micro aswell so adding those too
decent combat order
decent advance bless
it would be nice not having to do ALL these skills which is 13 skills if we can get it to 9 or less that would be nice....