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weapon equip

Reactions: 200
Posts: 3
edited September 2016 in General Chat
im a level 93 demon slayer using 2 handed mace for level 50. i have a level 90 2 handed axe and a level 80 2 handed sword... i cant epuip either of these weapons buti can exchange my weapon for other ones in my invintory... i checked all the stats and requirements of the weapons i want to use and i exceed all of them. is there any one who ahs had this issue and can help me out... i have logged out and gone back in multiple times. i have dropped and re picked up the weapons multiple times aswell but nothing seems to be working.


  • GimoGimo
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 82
    edited September 2016
    Demon Slayer can only equip 1 Handed Blunt (Mace) and Axe weapons. If you want to use the other equips, I would recommend creating either an Explorer (for both weapons) or a Kaiser for the Two Handed Sword (or both, since they are fun classes).
  • abaddon956abaddon956
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2016
    thank you so much! was really starting to make me mad couldnt figure out what was wrong. is there a way if i create another character that can use these weapons for me to transfer them over?
  • VerusAstrumVerusAstrum
    Reactions: 2,820
    Posts: 90
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2016

    thank you so much! was really starting to make me mad couldnt figure out what was wrong. is there a way if i create another character that can use these weapons for me to transfer them over?
    If you're playing in the Reboot server then sadly not, but otherwise you can use the storage NPC which is found in most towns to move tradable items through your account. :) If you haven't used this NPC before, the easiest one to find is probably in Henesys Park. This is what he looks like.

  • abaddon956abaddon956
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2016
    thank you guys so much! so very helpful :)