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Change server time back to PST


  • forumsareannoyingforumsareannoying
    Reactions: 2,815
    Posts: 337
    edited April 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    I am satisfied with them because they are convenient to me.

    It is convenient to you that Attendance resets at midnight UTC, but Hot Days reset at 1AM PDT?
    Or that the Burning Project started at midnight PDT but ended at midnight UTC?

    The problem we're having isn't with UTC as such. The problem is that Nexon can't seem to pull it off. If Nexon were consistent about making everything work by UTC, we'd be fine with it. Everyone will have adapted by now.
    The problems are:
    1. Inconsistency. See above.
    2. Time-dependent content (like Flag Races etc) running at inconvenient times for the majority. Nexon promised, 4 months ago, to look into scheduling and make content accessible to everyone, whether they're in America, Europe, or Australia. But very little has been done.

    I see you're still at it bro. Keep up the good work!

    I still don't know why the f they made that poll way back asking us which time we preferred.....
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    I still don't know why the f they made that poll way back asking us which time we preferred.....

    "They" didn't make the poll. KThxBaiNao did. At the time the UTC decision was made, he was not in the office (he was taking care of family issues), and I believe the decision was made without consulting him, or despite his opposing it. He made the poll to prove to his superiors that the community wanted PST.
    It doesn't seem to have affected them.

  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited April 2017
    You aren't telling me anything I don't already know. I'm not disadvantaged by this in any way. I believe upper management was clear on this change being final.
  • AKradianAKradian
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    edited April 2017
    Sorrow wrote: »
    You aren't telling me anything I don't already know. Here's what matters to me: Reset time and EXP/Drop times. Everything else does not negatively impact me in any way. Resets are at 9:00 PM my time. Work 7:30-4:00 PM get home around 4:30 PM, Have 4 1/2 hours before reset when I get home and the next day starts at 9:00 PM. The 5:00 AM hot days don't go unclaimed, I still getting them when I log in. I'm not missing out on any of what you listed.

    It's not a question of missing out, it's a question of keeping track of when everything is.
    2x event times is one of the things they changed to let everyone around the globe participate, so I agree that's good (although 3-hours sessions and 4-hour cash coupons don't go well together).
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited April 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    It's not a question of missing out, it's a question of keeping track of when everything is.
    2x event times is one of the things they changed to let everyone around the globe participate, so I agree that's good (although 3-hours sessions and 4-hour cash coupons don't go well together).
    I'm sorry if you feel that my opinion is a hard pill to swallow but I'm indifferent about these changes, which is why I said no. I'm not affected by this change in any way. You could address the issue of 4-Hour cash coupons being inconsistent with our 3-Hour EXP/Drop event duration, but this is a separate issue. You would have my full support on the EXP coupon thread if you made it.

    The only thing I feel needs looking into (in context with this thread) is limited quantity cs promotions, e.g. Black Friday. The Black Fri boxes popped up at 3:00 AM (EST) with a quantity of 50. These boxes sold within minutes. Unless people were up at that time nobody else had a chance of obtaining this item.
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 42
    edited April 2017
    Sorrow wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    It's not a question of missing out, it's a question of keeping track of when everything is.
    2x event times is one of the things they changed to let everyone around the globe participate, so I agree that's good (although 3-hours sessions and 4-hour cash coupons don't go well together).
    I'm sorry if you feel that my opinion is a hard pill to swallow but I'm indifferent about these changes, which is why I said no. I'm not affected by this change in any way. You could address the issue of 4-Hour cash coupons being inconsistent with our 3-Hour EXP/Drop event duration, but this is a separate issue. You would have my full support on the EXP coupon thread if you made it.

    The only thing I feel needs looking into (in context with this thread) is limited quantity cs promotions, e.g. Black Friday. The Black Fri boxes popped up at 3:00 AM (EST) with a quantity of 50. These boxes sold within minutes. Unless people were up at that time nobody else had a chance of obtaining this item.

    No offense... O_o but I'm pretty sure you're one of the only people in this thread who support the Time Zone Change/Inconsistencies. Which is the point... The majority of the players want it to be either changed back, or made more consistent. If you put this into actual Maplestory context, it would be like having maybe 5% or 10% (which is just an estimate) of players liking the current event times and such, whereas the majority don't, and instead of making things more convenient for the majority, choosing to focus on that 5% or 10%. AKA, the current situation. It's great that it's convenient for you, but for many others, it isn't... and both you and Nexon need to take that into account...
    And once again, sorry if this is offensive to you.
  • SealSeal
    Reactions: 1,310
    Posts: 79
    edited April 2017
    Considering the recent burning character screw up, just change it back to PST already.