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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Orange Imps.... and where to find them?
I haven't seen any for awhile despite the mass amount of harvesting I've done. I've tried different maps and Ardentmill as well, but they just don't seem to be dropping.
Anyone know a place they do drop, or if this is a bug? I don't want to believe they have such a low drop rate since Gemstone Imps are dropping normally.
Did 40 mining of minerals, got 4 Gemstone imps.
Think there's something wrong with Orange Imp drop like you said, if I had to guess, probs some weird update/patch side effect or they were trying to mess with Rose Clipping dr and messed up Orange imp instead.
Also, still no Orange imp, maxing out Empathy trait everyday (so 100 success + some fail harvests).