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Dissapointed the "5th" Job for [Buccaneer]

Reactions: 2,085
Posts: 200
edited January 2017 in General Chat
Yes and the reason is that after soo much time teasing the community about it they are not even releasing something complete or new for the class i main since the very release

all they did was recycle a skill and thats not the worst about it the cherry in the cake this time its the fact that "Super" tranform its not something amazing at all

its laughtable how in 2 years the developers did not even use the true sprites and animations to actually make tranform look imposing

all every buccaneer got its an ugly and simple base attemp of a normal standing animation and walking aswell
and 1 extra sprite set for a mediocre energy ball "attack"

i have endured the nerfs of this class and the removal of its core after the bigbang its a pain i still bear i suppose
but i had hope in the devs and yet they still manage to dissapoint me everytime again and again
looking for that "balanced game" that they dont even care about to begin with unless it brings in real currency

now for what the actuall transform had ill make a simple list to tell
before the bigbang the buccaneers had for tranform
{~a complete and rather imposing stand animation
{~a running animation instead of the normal walking they made for the ""5th"" yea cause i still think its not something that deserves the title of 5th job at all
{~ a special animation for when you jump and climb ropes it looked like samus aran energy ball
{~ each gender had their own set of sprites for every single animation in fight and out of combat yes males had short hair and women had long hair
{~ a special animations for when you used chairs and mounts
{~ also a combat stance like animation
{~ and we had in my opinion one of the best skill animations instead of octopunch where you see an "energy ghost" using a lame lazer
you actually saw your character moving and doing uppercuts jabs and a even a dragon punch like any actual karate relate character
{~and back then when you had the real super transfor your character was attacking soo fast that even you wont see the actual attacks
that was Demolition

i wish they had the forums fixed so i could show what actually buccaneers had back then instead of this embarrasing ridiculous simple and bitter even
attemp of a work this i guess its still on progress so i hope they actually fix this ... thing please nexon stop why you hate the buccaneers so much?


  • MomTeresaMomTeresa
    Reactions: 1,585
    Posts: 191
    edited January 2017
    agreed. bucc was amazing when it first came out. what a waste of a potentially unique class. hand-to-hand combat ftw.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
    Posts: 748
    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2017
    There's a few exceptionally bad V skills. I understand the frustration but all we can really hope for is that they get revamped eventually.

    Explorer mage skills are just awful. Mana overload and upcoming unstable memories. : |
  • buccaneerlolbuccaneerlol
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 19
    edited January 2017
    Don't worry the second set of 5th job skills makes buccaneer look a lot better, toggle copy of demon slayers metamorphosis.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
    Posts: 1,167
    edited January 2017
    like Bucc said wait til the second set!
  • KerBansotKerBansot
    Reactions: 1,635
    Posts: 271
    edited January 2017

    Don't worry the second set of 5th job skills makes buccaneer look a lot better, toggle copy of demon slayers metamorphosis.
    Would you mind explaining how that skill will work?

    Copy pasted from Orange Mushroom:

    Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. Consumes 200 Energy per second. Consumes 75 Energy per second when your Energy is fully charged. Automatically attack up to 10 nearby enemies, dealing 416% damage 3 times continuously. Cooldown: 3 seconds.

    I assumed it consumes 300 MP to cast. However the part about energy consumption is confusing. If you're not charged, will it automatically turn off? Also, "consumes 75 energy per second when your energy is fully charged" - does that mean it only consumes 75 energy once (coz technically after consuming 75 energy, you're no longer "fully" charged)?
  • Celeste123Celeste123
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 34
    edited January 2017
    I just finished Kanna's 5th job advancement...and all I got was this lousy ghost following me around.
  • MoonliteMoonlite
    Reactions: 465
    Posts: 8
    edited January 2017
    Yea all they did for Mechanics was reskin our old Satellites skill and make it not nearly as cool looking, but mega OP. Visually/Aesthetically I'm unhappy, but statistically I'm satisfied (would be overjoyed if the CD was a lot less). Most of these 5th job skills are reskinned previous skills we all used to have. Remember their "goal" with 5th job was not to change the overall style of 4th job, but to be an added layer of power and depth........... aka Hyper Skills.

    I think they dropped the ball because the PLAYERS wanted a new job altogether, not an extended hyper skills. But we'll see how this all rolls out whenever they do finish the 5th job skills. maybe they'll make up for it with future skills
  • YakudleYakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited January 2017
    Don't worry the second set of 5th job skills makes buccaneer look a lot better, toggle copy of demon slayers metamorphosis.

    I dont care about that useless flag i can already get +30 attack for 30 mins from a pot and all the buccaneers have 100% stance now they are going to remove it? so the flag its a must? i wont be amused of that i hope this garbage skill at least stacks with other stat buffs or else its a waste

    Pirate Flag: Plant the flag of a brave pirate, increasing you and your party’s morale while scaring enemies. While the flag is planted, enemy attacks will not knock you back. (max level: 25)

    Level 1: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, summon a pirate flag. Party members near the pirate flag will have all of their stats increased by 10% (only affects stats from directly invested AP), and decreases defense of nearby monsters by 10%. Cooldown: 59 seconds.
    Level 25: Consumes 500 MP. For 30 seconds, summon a pirate flag. Party members near the pirate flag will have all of their stats increased by 22% (only affects stats from directly invested AP), and decreases defense of nearby monsters by 22%. Cooldown: 35 seconds.

    I already knew about that skill ALSO recycled from another class
    REAL pirates dont need a fancy aura to deal with their enemies they are supposed to demolish with theyr karate skills

    Serpent Screw: Attack nearby enemies with the aura of a serpent that sleeps in the rough sea. If the serpent attacks enemies using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. The effects are activated when the skill is used, and disabled when it is reused. On/off skill. (max level: 25)

    Level 1: Consumes 300 MP. Consumes 200 Energy per second. Consumes 75 Energy per second when your Energy is fully charged. Automatically attack up to 10 nearby enemies, dealing 416% damage 3 times continuously. Cooldown: 3 seconds.
    Level 25: Consumes 300 MP. Consumes 200 Energy per second. Consumes 75 Energy per second when your Energy is fully charged. Automatically attack up to 10 nearby enemies, dealing 800% damage 3 times continuously. Cooldown: 3 seconds.