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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
World Transfer Event & Familliar Hotkey
1. World Transfer event
Long time since u made one, Since the servers are stable, I think its the right time, even on NX transfer, Let me decide again about moving my chars.
2. Hot Key to Open / Close Familliar !
U make the familiar to close once u get into a boss ie: magnus / radament, disable all pet close or let us use hotkey for them.
And honestly, i don't think there would be a open/close familiar hot key, since you need chose the one you are using, and if the JMS codex come, you can even chose 3 at once, you would problably need 3 hot keys? Seens too complex for something that isn't in KMS, i prefer they just revamp codex to JMS style with multiples sets or familiars.
Having a hotkey for familiars is a brilliant idea! I'd love to be able to hotkey my wolf underling and mutant snail for easier access.