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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Nexon won't bring back PvP because the work load vs profit is too great. They'd have to do a ton of balancing and make sure hackers aren't there ruining everyone else's experience. That was another thing when PvP was actually out. The exp wasn't great. The gear you could get wasn't bad at the time. I think you could get a von leon set from there too.
If they were to bring back PvP how would you like to see this done? I'd like to see all of the potential stripped and have it all just go off of your flat skill %'s and if you had PvP gear on you could add that into the mix. I think classes that have turret like skills could still set them up but it would have to notify everyone as a warning so we have a fair chance at avoiding it.
To keep PvP popular I think it should be playable from any world and have lobbies with different maps, maybe a few different game modes that have milestones each week/day.
If you'd like to keep it so just a select amount of people can do this (Cuts down on botters) You could have a set of prequest to do, maybe this quest get unlocked at a higher level to help balance things even further, or you could separate the lobbies on tiers via job advancements.
All in all, I also dont think they will bring back PvP but I think it's doable and should be looked into. That's just my two cents though.
(Video is not mine. Makes great points. Worth checking out)
For balancing gear, the old PvP system did this perfectly by assigning everyone the same arbitrary base number(no matter what the gear was), and the only multiplier was the skill % and Battle attack, which at max only raised about 5% of your damage. Next to no effort needs to be put into this, as being able to ignore the math of your equipment should be less work for Nexon, and plus they already have a blueprint on how this should work with the old PvP.
Skill balancing shouldn't be a huge issue as well. The skills were relatively balanced in the old PvP, and some of the more stronger moves in training had cooldowns attached to it in PvP, which not only helped balance damage, but also added a dynamic playstyle for these classes. Most mobility moves other than Flash Jump type effects were banned, so characters won't be flying around the map and will involve more decision making.
As for the rewards, they can make it more about the glory and satisfaction rather than just having more stuff. Titles, Chairs and other cosmetics can be awarded to players who achieve certain points or playtime in PvP. Of course we should still have rewards that help outside of PvP, but by making the main reward have little to no advantage in training/bossing makes hackers have no incentive of ruining matches. It should be about the satisfaction and bragging rights, not necessary the reward.
For my suggestions for "New" PvP, it needs to be cross world. Old PvP did have a community in the five major worlds, but other than that from what I know it was pretty dead. Near the end of PvP one of the players in Scania had to buy over 30 World Transfers just to set up a small tourney that featured some of the best players from each World. This shouldn't be necessary and players from different world should be able to queue up into each other. Speaking of tourney, there also needs to be private lobbies to host tournaments and play custom matches. Auto queuing is fine, but it's hard to play against friends and set up tournaments with just this system. Respawn needs a rework as well, and the easiest fix is to completely remove the safe area and just give them spawn shield for 3 or so seconds. I am probably still forgetting a lot of stuff, but I don't want to ramble any longer so I'll leave it at this.
I think PvP for Maple could be successful if it didn't lag and there was balance while also offering real worth while rewards. In order for this to happen I think it should be its own stand alone thing. The game should be a monthly subscription of $10 a month (via karma coin/credit card) This is to keep the servers and matchmaking quality high. Mics should be enabled for strategies...etc. The new game would play like Over Watch with a Super Smash Bros sized roster. There should be several original maps as well as a few nostalgic ones. The maps would vary in size.
For the reward I only thought of one thing. If there were a tournament style fight going on the winner should be awarded nx to their account.
I also think the art should be updated nearly to the point of the cinematic trailer for MS2
The maps should look immersive and deep.
Keep this cinematic trailer in mind for a King of the Hill or Capture the Flag like game.