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is anima class totally new to nexon?

Reactions: 1,535
Posts: 119
edited November 2019 in General Chat
I can not remember if beast Tamer or some other char already made part of this anima class
It would be nice to know if the new hoyoung Shares cs with some other class


  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2019

    Though considering BT isn't in KMS, who knows if GMS will let them cs share.
  • DancemonDancemon
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 119
    edited November 2019
    have loads of reward Points expiring due to not having any cubes to buy in reward shop, just hoped to salvage some of them buying stuff for hoyoung
    guess the cubes are the only item worth buying in reward shop
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2019
    You could buy the extra pendant slot. The duration stacks so if you use like five of them, you'll get 5 months of an extra pendant
  • DancemonDancemon
    Reactions: 1,535
    Posts: 119
    edited November 2019
    got a perma
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
    Posts: 1,353
    Member, Private Tester
    edited November 2019
    Could buy inventory expansion on alts for storage, next best thing imo. =l