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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
couple 5th job skills does not inflict damage
Bullet Blast - Won't allow for additional ammunition consumption during charge.
Rocket Punch - Does not interact with the ammo gauge or dynamo gauge at all.
Brief Bug Summary: Hammers of Righteous won't activate when small hammers are active. Small hammers still inflict damage
1. Use several different charge skills
2. Activate hammer of Righteous while small hammers are active.
Character name: Clerkinrules
Class: Paladin
Level: 215
World: Elysium
Date of bug: December 18th, 9 PM EAstern Standard
When used, the numbers pop up as if its doing damage, but the damage isn't actually being dealt.
Character name: 0Yandere0
Character level: 223
Character job: Mihile
World: Scania
Skill: Aesher Conduit
Unable to activate the skill after cool down period, damage doesn't inflict
Character name: JeoLuminous
Class: Luminous
Level: 246
World: Aurora
Brief bug summary: Dual Blade 5th Job skill - Blade tornado
More details: The animation and the damage number appears, but the skill inflict no damage after the tornado moves to either Direction
Steps to reproduce: Use Blade tornado, Damage works when the tornado appears, but
Character name: Gumjeong
Character level:206
Character job:Dual Blade
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident:8:30 EST
Dawn Warrior 5th Job Skills :
When use Rift of Damnation, the Styx Crossing does no damage
When use Soul Eclipse, the Equinox Divide does no damage as well.
Character name: XiShineiX
Character level: 204
Character job: Dawn Warrior
World: Elysium
Brief bug summary: Angelic Buster's Spotlight skill, 2 of the spotlights do no damage (Left & right one), but the middle one does.
Character name: TranqBuster
Character level: 223
Character job: Angelic Buster
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 17:00 EST
Character name: Repfix
Character level: 227
Character job: Kaiser
World name:
Date and time of the incident: 11: 00 PM CET
Brief bug summary: couple 5th job skills does not inflict damage
More details: Skill name Primal Grenade and Primal Fury show damage but don't really do any
Character name: xPunisher
Character level: 239
Character job: Wild Hunter
World name: Luna
Brief bug summary: Peacemaker skill damage not applying (can see damage numbers but does not actually apply to any mobs being hit)
Character name: AzrieI
Character level: 208
Character Job: Bishop
World name: NA - Aurora
Date and time of the incident: 12/18/19
Another related issue is that i can't cast angel of balance while i'm using righteously indignant. I can still cast all my other buffs (even benediction) but not the angel of balance. The cast animation does play but the angel doesn't appear nor does it go on cooldown.
Character name: Talis
Character level: 220
Character job: Bishop
World: Luna