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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[!!!] Homing skills not working after maintenance
Bug type: Skill
Brief bug summary: Skills that report things such as "There are no available targets" or other homing skills will not work even if there are available targets. Effectively any skills that requires "available targets" will not actually work (i.e. homing skills). This started after the 12/20 unscheduled maintenance.
Steps to reproduce:
Use any of the following skills
* Trifling Wind
*Carte Noir
*Ace in the Hole - this is easiest to reproduce since it isn't chance-based
*Cannon weapon in "[Glory] Basic Mission: Clash on the Waves"
Character name: Phántorn / PicoriDude
Character level: 222 / 204
Character job: Phantom / Wind Archer
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: Friday 12/20/2019 at 4PM EST
Summary: When toggled on, the Trifling Wind skill is not activating. This is on character that has Trifling Wind III maxed out. I have used both Song of Heaven and Howling Wind, which both usually will trigger the skill, but after several minutes I have yet to be able to get Trifling Wind to work.
Character name: PicoriDude
Character level: 204
Character job: Wind Archer
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 12/20/2019, 4:00 PM EST
EDIT: Further confirmed by discovery that Carte Noir and Ace in the Hole skills on Phantom do not work either (other skills that target nearby enemies).
Alright, guess the thread is resolved. Thank you very much!