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✓ Divine Intelligence: Hoodlum Is Written Twice

Member PirateIzzy
Reactions: 5,275
Posts: 862
edited June 2021 in Bug Reporting
(Can Nexon please extend the length of titles? It's hard to get the point across with the title.

Bug type: Event

Brief bug summary: The Divine Intelligence event has one question that has 2 identical answers:

More details:
The question above, Hoodlum, is probably due to Nexon renaming the yellow-green Hoodlum from "Black Market Hoodlum" to simply "Hoodlum" some time ago. Unfortunately, there's also a red variant of that mob also named Hoodlum, meaning that we get a question with 2 identical answers.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Participate in the Divine Intelligence event at every :15 minute mark (15 minutes after the top of the hour)
2. Get the question above, which will randomly appear.

Character name: irrelevant

Character level: 101+

Character job:

World name: Bera (applies to any world though)

Date and time of the incident: February 12, 2020 at 10:00 PM EST


  • Member Ghiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited February 2020
    lol....... This has been reported.
    Thank you for the report!
  • Member, Private Tester YinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
    Posts: 1,353
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2020
    One of them has a capital "i". *joke*
  • Member GPINKS
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 44
    edited February 2020
    Hi, can y'all fix the glitch in the event for god sake?
    what should i pick then the option choice is
    1. Hoodlum
    2. Hoodlum

    This is so stupid and can't believe you guys haven't fixed it even now.

    Also fix name for honey mushroom. its written as horny mushroom if you haven't noticed.

    Name: xXPlNKSx
    Server: Bera
  • Member PirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited March 2020
    Fixed in v212, the red one was renamed to Roving Hoodlum and the green-ish one was renamed to Market Hoodlum.