Explanations are written on the Youtube too
0:06 Place left eye at the center of the torch.
0:19 Place left eye at the right of the torch.
0:25, 0:29, 0:32 Jump 3 times then wait for 15 seconds.
0:50 Evade between fires (it is hard but it is not required to clear)
0:58 After get hit by lower blue music, move to right right torch. Put your face in the center.
1:02 Come back to the original torch (left left)
1:05 Evade fire by moving right and left
1:09 Watch two blue bullets pass the right torch, and then move to right right torch. Put the face in the center again.
1:13 One blue bullet passes the left left torch, one red bullet passes your left head, and one red bullet passes the left left torch. Then you move to the original torch.
1:15 Evade red bullet coming from the right by moving right and left
1:19 After right right torch ignited, move to that torch and then come back.
1:23 Wait 6 seconds and there will be a red bullet coming from the right.
1:29 Evade this bullet by moving right. Then come back.
1:33 If you return to the original torch, you will not get hit.
1:35 Jump and crawl
(1 life left)
I did it almost same as you but with few differences.