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Ritual fans not dropping

Reactions: 700
Posts: 3
Member, Private Tester
edited March 2020 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Item drop

Brief bug summary: Ritual fans aren't dropping from normal mobs

More details: I've grinded levels for hours on end without seeing a ritual fan. I've seen the usual armor and weapon drops but never a ritual fan. I don't know if the current drop rate is insanely low, a bug, or i'm just really unlucky but I feel like this is weird enough to report so here I am.

Character name: JYKuro

Character level: 103

Character job: Hoyoung

World name: Reboot

Date and time of the incident: Anytime


  • SteviebiiSteviebii
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    The same thing has been happening to me. I have a lv.97 Hoyoung in Reboot and I still have yet to come across a ritual fan from a drop. I couple of others on reddit have posted similar situations regarding ritual fan drops being "bugged".
  • DoomedangelDoomedangel
    Reactions: 820
    Posts: 4
    edited March 2020
    Same here I just turned level 100 and was grinding Mossy Mushrooms for probably about 30 minutes using 2x drop and I still didn't see a single fan drop. Pretty sure that they are bugged and if I recall something like this happened with Cadena when she was released as well.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2020
    Yes, the drops are currently bugged. Nexon is aware.
    Until that's fixed, you can use Smithing to craft Ritual Fans up to level 120.
  • IcecreamcakeIcecreamcake
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    so where can you get ritual fans until you can do zakum?