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I'm sorry to rant, but the cash shop is ridiculous.
It's been a good number of years since i've played maple and i've started to play again recently in reboot. I am enjoying the game quite a bit and have finally decided to buy NX to decorate my character.
First of all, not all the cosmetics are available to the player anymore and they come in randomised rotations via royal and in this case april fools cards.
Second of all, in reboot, the beauty slot cards do not show up in the cash up at all UNLESS you specifically search for them. I spent so much nx rolling my hair throwing some of them away because i did not know that.
But all these things so far are bearable issues except for one last thing;
The different cosmetic styles all have different rates on them.
What the F**K?! Where in the entirety of the cash shop does it even HINT at that? Thinking all the hairstyle had the same rate I kept buying the card thinking I was just unlucky when the hairstyle i was trying to obtain is 5 PERCENT.
Was the hint to spend 50 dollars before realising you weren't getting a select few of them? Honestly, if I chanced one of the 5% hairs I would've bought more thinking it was just bad luck.
Do not tell me I should've read cash shop changes and event posts. A game that allows a complete transaction without fully informing you on what you are buying on the said platform is in my opinion absolutely ridiculous. It would be like removing the expiry time of items and threw them all into a forum post, a lot of people would feel cheated.
And yes, you should have read the cash shop update posts, because they would have linked to this page as you can see here:
They do fully inform you, and it's not their fault if you choose not to read. Nothing is hidden from you:
This wasn't an issue in the past with the regular coupons(Randomised) because they were actually just same rate randoms. I didn't have to read cash shop update posts back then, coming back I would assume I didn't have to either.
I don't think I've seen any different, so it seems to just apply to the April Fools coupons.
Also, it's absolutely your own fault, and no one else's, that you come back after "a good number of years" and assume everything will be exactly the same to such an extent that reading around to see if anything has changed is beneath you.
allways reminds me of gashapon claw/key machines in shoping malls and the "
scandalof rigged" chances untill machine gets enough moneyjust make sure you buy those lootbox if you are ready to lose your money-get something you dont want
Ok fine, maybe they had rates before but that doesn't change the fact that this can be seen as a predatory practice if it was on purpose. Once again, the issue is that they did not mention it anywhere in game. If you can complete a purchase without going through the site then they should mention somewhere in game that chances aren't the same for every style. Also Neospector points out that this doesn't apply to every coupon.
You say it's my fault because I made the assumption things worked the same way as before, what about new players? Ones with no history with Nexon? Would it be fair to fault them for the assumption that all the styles are actually random? These coupons even state themselves that the outcome is "random". Randomness is more than uncertain outcomes, it is the lack of any intelligible probability. Out of the 9 styles in the coupon 4 of them are locked behind a 20% chance of appearance, true randomness would be 11.1% for every style. If you have a biased probability of the outcome, it's no longer a "random guess" it's an "educated guess" so to say that these are random and have no additional mention of a biased probability is misleading to say the very least.
the rates were allways random (new styles,powerfull items...) allways had lower chance to get then other we just didnt know the %
now nexon is required to show the rates to all
its still gamble tho
but i get your point its not really "random" when items are set to different rates
In what goddamn world is "click here to view the rates of acquiring different items/styles" predatory?
And new players are probably more open to reading into things, instead of just assuming everything to be a certain way...
just dont assume anything ingame
recent example
themed box crossover you can fall and assume its just new styles but its not
its to much to expect from nexon to place some warning ingame or thing that redirects to some link to read all the info
Absolutely untrue. New players are prime examples of not reading everything or carefully enough. Along with new players knowing nothing about their abilities you have no idea how many people get stuck on quests like mushroom shrine and afterlands just because they don't bother reading the quests or quest items.
Are you reading what I said? I said was it was predatory if done on purpose. If it was an oversight then it needs correcting because it misinforms important details of an item being sold.
see if your style has a "real" chance and if you are ok with that
good luck gamble
Are the premium surprise boxes in Reboot still? It's a gamble usually for me in normal worlds, since I may need to updated 4 other classes hairdo's and each class needs to have a matching perm nx item. I understand you the exchange rate is torture 50Nx cash is 75$ over here