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Solution To World Leap/Merge

Reactions: 2,320
Posts: 98
edited April 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Give out a World Leap Ticket that can be used only ONE-TIME PER WORLD, the character with the coupon can be moved to any server (besides Reboot). The ticket can be obtained in an Event shop for levels 101+, via coins (around 500 coins, so people have to grind at least a couple days).

1. Players who missed World Transfer can move their main to a world they desire (this is the biggest request I read from players).
2. Mass immigration to Bera is stopped because the transfer is limited to one character. This reduces the number of characters transferred and will solve overcrowding.
3. Players who have used nx items/gear/items in different worlds can have them transferred.
4. The population of smaller worlds such as Scania, Elysium and Aurora will stay in tact. Players who choose to play less crowded worlds do it by choice and will continue playing for that reason.

I think this is the best solution for players across the board.
  1. Would you use a World Transfer Ticket if you had the chance?7 votes
    1. Yes
       71% (5 votes)
    2. No
       0% (0 votes)
    3. I think other solutions are better (discuss)
       29% (2 votes)


  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    Gonna have to correct you on your second point. It doesn't reduce overcrowding, because the people who move their mains to a server will be playing that server, becoming part of the population, ie overpopulating. The number of characters doesn't really matter, I have like 30+ mules in each server and they're not overcrowding anything because I don't play there.
    However, the restriction might deter some people from moving at all, and that would reduce the risk of a mass-exodus like we had last time. I still think it would happen, but in theory it'd be less appealing.

    I don't think any type of server transfers should take place before a merge, and honestly I prefer @Fuhreak 's suggestion of trying to bring back some server-wide communication, besides smegas, like chat-channels first (after fixing them of course).
    That way we can better determine if the servers are truly in need of a merge, or if the chats are actually poppin' and the community is thriving as it is.

    Edit: Also, the more people that vote yes on your poll that they'd use it, the more reason not to make it available.
  • UnemployedUnemployed
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 98
    edited April 2020
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Gonna have to correct you on your second point. It doesn't reduce overcrowding, because the people who move their mains to a server will be playing that server, becoming part of the population, ie overpopulating. The number of characters doesn't really matter, I have like 30+ mules in each server and they're not overcrowding anything because I don't play there.
    However, the restriction might deter some people from moving at all, and that would reduce the risk of a mass-exodus like we had last time. I still think it would happen, but in theory it'd be less appealing.

    I don't think any type of server transfers should take place before a merge, and honestly I prefer @Fuhreak 's suggestion of trying to bring back some server-wide communication, besides smegas, like chat-channels first (after fixing them of course).
    That way we can better determine if the servers are truly in need of a merge, or if the chats are actually poppin' and the community is thriving as it is.

    Edit: Also, the more people that vote yes on your poll that they'd use it, the more reason not to make it available.

    No it's not lol, the point of this event is to give everybody a chance to leap and my solution limits the mass immigration to popular servers.
    There was JUST a merge, they are not gonna be alliances/more merges soon. This event could be beneficial.
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited April 2020
    Unemployed wrote: »
    No it's not lol, the point of this event is to give everybody a chance to leap and my solution limits the mass immigration to popular servers.
    There was JUST a merge, they are not gonna be alliances/more merges soon. This event could be beneficial.

    Exactly, there was just a merge. Why would they jeopardize their control over the populations in each server by allowing another transfer? After the debacle that was the Bera bandwagon, I can't imagine they're very keen on having another one anytime soon.

    "2. Mass immigration to Bera is stopped because the transfer is limited to one character. This reduces the number of characters transferred and will solve overcrowding."

    Do you really think that if someone were to move their main to a server, they'd stick around and play with their mules in the other server? No. All that does is just require them to completely restart legion and links. It's like you're looking at the characters themselves being the ones overcrowding, instead of the person that's playing them. Only moving "one" character solves nothing if the player is only playing said character.

    "4. The population of smaller worlds such as Scania, Elysium and Aurora will stay in tact. Players who choose to play less crowded worlds do it by choice and will continue playing for that reason."

    No. They won't. Your idea is just a bad QoL world transfer. If someone moves their main to another server, they're not going to do it with the intent to stick around in both servers. All your idea would do is kill off the lesser populated servers once again, and force people to restart legion and link skills.

    Overall it's clear that you don't have an understanding of how world transfers work population wise. Moving only one character solves absolutely none of the problems world transfers have in the first place, and creates new issues of its own.
  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    Unemployed wrote: »
    No it's not lol, the point of this event is to give everybody a chance to leap and my solution limits the mass immigration to popular servers.
    There was JUST a merge, they are not gonna be alliances/more merges soon. This event could be beneficial.

    And my point is that the more people voting "Yes I'll use it if I get it" only shows that the risk of there being a mass immigration is still a concern. Did you just gloss over why your solution doesn't inherently limit overpopulation if people still move and play their mains, and make new mules, in their new server? That's still contributing to the population of the server and leaving the old server more dead than it was before the move since they'll no longer be playing there. Not sure why you can't see that.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2020
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Unemployed wrote: »
    No it's not lol, the point of this event is to give everybody a chance to leap and my solution limits the mass immigration to popular servers.
    There was JUST a merge, they are not gonna be alliances/more merges soon. This event could be beneficial.

    And my point is that the more people voting "Yes I'll use it if I get it" only shows that the risk of there being a mass immigration is still a concern. Did you just gloss over why your solution doesn't inherently limit overpopulation if people still move and play their mains, and make new mules, in their new server? That's still contributing to the population of the server and leaving the old server more dead than it was before the move since they'll no longer be playing there. Not sure why you can't see that.

    But it's okay they're only moving one character