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Thoughs so far (+Glitches) (Help me understand)

Reactions: 410
Posts: 8
edited April 2020 in Rants and Raves
Let me try to understand this..

1. We've a revamped Gollux, liked the "harder part" of one time a day only for no carry mules. Also """harder""" with more HP. But someone explain me why we've a 30 coins drop on Hellux, a shop with higher prices of not only 40 for the scroll (20 for basic which NO ONE will ever buy) but also 700 coins per superior item with a 7 days shop reset (what? we can't get enough coins a single item in less than 24 days but shop reset in 7? Ok...)

2. PIC on Storage Keeper .... what?

3. One of my returning friends because of the virus... created a new account to play.. not only he had some problems like full inventory can't drop anything to pick up new from monsters but also he couldn't kill Zakum because how can you summon it without dropping the Eye? Nice ideas that 7 days thing lol! I understand is to avoid botters from trading stuff.. but lets be honest they'll just create the accounts and wait 7 days then bot it.. Oh btw he created a Kanna for the link skill and got automatic ban at lvl100+... i understand is a system to detect botters with new accounts or something... but what the f?

4. Familiar system... lets be honest WHAT THE F?! All this new pay to win try is fine... i understand is your way to make money from your game... but all this glitches on the system and you guys not fixing it correctly is gonna make a crazy mess. People farmed so many familiars, you nerfed the drop rate of every monster, then guess what? a couple of monster still dropping it.. you disable the system etc etc.
The problem is too much people bought familiars because of the high values on the stats, bought familiars to complete badges.. Now if you reset the system and/or nerf the high boost they'll lose their mesos.. Also having low drop rate and not resetting all will also make a mess because people without it wont get it as easy.

So assuming that you nerf the familiars like boogie, fairy, and oda warrior (fine people lose some mesos buying it overpriced and others lose their farm time saving them) lets say they can still use them to extract for points.. I assume that nerfing the boost of those familiars will bring back a high drop rate otherwise the system will not work because with a extremely low drop rate how can you extract or fuse cards?

Probably the best way to fix this is making all cards common or rare nerfing the epic boost for those cards and bringing back a similar high drop rate.

Someone help me understand this mess Nexon has done with this patch.
  1. Solution?7 votes
    1. Just Rollback to the 22 before the patch!
       29% (2 votes)
    2. Give back the boogies! Don't make the Familiar System p2w it was a sign!
       43% (3 votes)
    3. In Nexon we trust
       29% (2 votes)


  • pat159pat159
    Reactions: 1,090
    Posts: 38
    edited April 2020
    As far off as we are now from the 22nd they can't rollback, unless they can rollback just the familiar system alone, but even that will create a massive uproar. Honestly they put themselves in one hell of a situation here... i personally don't see much of an easy solution without creating a big uproar from a big portion of players. Though, if they just revert to old drop rate, have people farm boogies for a couple of days, ks wars here and there, eventually people will have the familiars they want, the map will empty itself out and mostly everyone will be happy. No rollbacks, no making others farm hundreds of hours or more to reach what others reached in 30 minutes on release. To me that's what looks like the safest route. At most, i would say they could simply nerf the amount of stats we can get on familiars potentials, but overall they're kind of in a BIG messy situation lol
  • CifulandCifuland
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 8
    edited April 2020
    pat159 wrote: »
    As far off as we are now from the 22nd they can't rollback, unless they can rollback just the familiar system alone, but even that will create a massive uproar. Honestly they put themselves in one hell of a situation here... i personally don't see much of an easy solution without creating a big uproar from a big portion of players. Though, if they just revert to old drop rate, have people farm boogies for a couple of days, ks wars here and there, eventually people will have the familiars they want, the map will empty itself out and mostly everyone will be happy. No rollbacks, no making others farm hundreds of hours or more to reach what others reached in 30 minutes on release. To me that's what looks like the safest route. At most, i would say they could simply nerf the amount of stats we can get on familiars potentials, but overall they're kind of in a BIG messy situation lol

    That wont happen. They need the system to be lot harder, so you buy nx and reset familiars (like cubes)... the system was meant to be pay to win so you shouldnt be able to get a bunch of 40% boss damage boogies in a day.

    A friend told me that they'll probably just change the way extract points and fuse system work... so we will have low drop rate and wont affect the current system of extract and fuse. Of course they will reset current stats of all new familiars and I don't know what will happen with the tons of familiars already on the game by that old high drop rate :D
  • ProphetieProphetie
    Reactions: 915
    Posts: 82
    edited April 2020
    The Forum guidelines make it unclear whether I can make assumptions on why Nexon took certain decisions or not but I will provide my theories as someone with almost a decade of experience in IT as an analyst and developper as well as a lifetime gamer obssessed with game theory.
    These are merely educated guesses and I don't pretend to know what is going on. Please delete if this violates any guideline.

    In their defense :
    First of all, let's keep in mind that GMS is basically KMS on top of which is added some JMS, Msea and GMS' own custom content. The later 3 represent a mere fraction of the entire game and balancing their content with every KMS update is a very tedious task.
    Most of the content change in the v213 update touched content that is neither from nor in KMS
    Second, we are in the middle of a worldwide crisis with the COVID situation. It is very likely that they (the team working on GMS-exclusive content) are currently both short-staffed and working from home. Making certain things a bit more difficult, especially damage control.
    Such projects have schedules and budgets discussed months if not years in advance and GMS is getting the short end of the stick on every level.

    Where things went wrong, IN MY OPINION, is the absence of a test server, proper QA testing, consultants, player surveys and more importantly : "people in specific positions" not having data on familiar collection in GMS to work with and designing a feature to support the familiar system implemented in JMS. The only part of the familiar system that did not change was the drop rate and rarity system. Both of which do not work at all in tendem with the new content and force players to gather in beginner areas.
    The second big issue is that, whether on purpose or by not being aware of its existenve, Reboot was undeniably not considered in the design of the familiar system and Gollux revamp leaving half the playerbase in a much worse state than before the update.

    The PIC being entered to access the Storage Keeper was part of the KMS update where they added the virtual keyboard we are currently using. It likely helps prevent item theft and customer suppport tickets since playing from public spaces like internet cafés is much more likely over there.
    I hope we get an option to disable it as it's more of an annoyance than anything over here, especially on Reboot server.
    Overall a very solid redesign, just annoying to deal with and easily fixed.

    Gollux is an unforgivable abomination of a revamp and the only explanation I can give is the store prices increased to avoid flooding the market now that the shop resets.
    That being said, the store prices do not make sense from a progression standpoint and some items, such as the easily obtainable Rebirth Flame, are sold for an insanely high prices. My personal experience in such projects tells me the prices were more or less ballparked by people who were given the wrong info on the amount of coins collected daily and the "weight" of each items. Most people in such projects only know the game's structure, not the player experience and that's okay (which is why public tests and consultants are crucial).
    The HP buff also makes no sense from a progression standpoint considering the Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 boss don't give Advanced Gollux Coins.
    The change to hit detection is objectively bad, especially considering many classes can't realisticaly take part in the content until they have progressed way past it and can power through it. Which is almost impossible for Reboot character created after the v213 update.

    The familiar update would make sense if we had a different drop system where every card can drop common, rare, epic or unique regardless of the monster and the drop rate was independent of monster level.
    The reason it is so absurd is most likely because it was not designed for our drop system at all. The main way it shows the the Familiar Shop in which the cheapest item requires up to thousands of hours of normal play to aquire. After hours, players have reached lvl 150 where familiar cards don't exist for most monsters and are incredibly rare for those that do exist.
    It is especially hard for Reboot players who can't purchase Booster Packs or Red Cards.
    There also the issue of familiars being game-breaking. 3 familiars can give 240% boss damage or IED without even considering Legendary familiars.
    240 Boss Damage being close to what end game Reboot players get from their entire equipment.

    Something that's not mentioned is that the stats from badges (many of which are not even obtainable) have a very low ceiling.
    Even if my brand new levle 10 character was able to equip all 33 badges at once, they would not even represent 1% of my damage.
    Yet they can only give a total of 2 Main Stat points. that's less than half a level's worth.

    Sadly, there's a very real possibility that they are behind schedule and budget while not even halway through fixing the issues introduced by the update.
    That means, we'll most certainly see the easiest and safest solutions instead of the healthiest which require going back to the drawing board.
    Especially with the massive summer update that's comming.

    Let's hope the game goes back to an enjoyable and balanced state and Reboot gets some much needed love
    Good luck to the dev team
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2020
    1. KMS doesn't have Gollux. In KMS, players start out with the Boss Set of accessories: First with drops from the easier bosses like Zakum, Horntail, Hilla, Pink Bean. They slowly progress through this set, from HT pendant to CHT to Arkarium's rare and powerful Dominator and Machinator pendants, from HT earring to Hard Hilla earring, etc. And then finally, when they get strong enough, they start aiming for the Pitched Boss set, the drops from Lotus, Damien, Lucid, Will, Verus Hilla, and so on.
    There is a correlation between the power of the equipment and the set effect it gives, and the difficulty of the boss and rarity of the drop.
    Gollux breaks all that. The Superior Gollux set is much stronger and (was) much easier to obtain than the Boss set, which meant we completely disregard much KMS content (like they keep giving Dominator Pendants as coveted rewards for Relay events - and nobody in GMS cares for it except DA's). Nexon Korea's balance team did not like this happening in GMS.

    The purpose of the Gollux update was to make the difficulty of obtaining the Superior set match its power. It's still much easier to obtain than the Pitched Boss set (whose elements are rare drops from weekly bosses, and one can easily go a year without obtaining them). But yes, it is much harder than we were used to. And it is no longer intended that every character be fully decked out in this powerful set. It's for dedicated mains only. Mules should make do with the same Boss set KMS uses, or the minor Gollux sets.

    I can't say I'm particularly happy with this change, but I can see the reasoning behind it.

    2. PIC on Storage is, as explained above, something KMS got to protect them from item theft in PC Cafe's. I hope we can get it removed.

    3. Tradeblock on new accounts... I also think it's not going to be effective against botters. But I don't make the decisions.

    4. Familiar system is a mess, I agree. The design seems not fully thought out, and the implementation is buggy. Both of these are likely due to the dev team, in Korea, working under quarantine and from-home conditions, as Prophetie said.
    NexonNA does have a test server and QA team, but unfortunately they were not enough, possibly also due to Covid-19, for Nexon to realize that this content was not in any condition to be released. It definitely should have been postponed (like the 2nd half of the Masteria revamp was), in my opinion.
    Now that it has been out for a few days, it can't be rolled back. I don't know how they'll resolve it. I hope we won't have to suffer a disabled familiar system for too long.
  • CifulandCifuland
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 8
    edited April 2020
    Yeah i understand the part of Gollux harder because of being too OP and not KMS content and all that but we can all laugh at the "hard" definition of Nexon being 1 month of dayly Gollux (lvl4) to get one item not being actually hard nor fun but time consuming. Also making a weekly reset on the shop when it is impossible to actually use it(?)

    They've some pretty good ideas but the final implementation are pathetic, is like they don't really play the game nor have an idea of the economic impact on the game... I really love the general idea of the new familiar system (apparently created by JMS, pretty genius) but the final implementation was not only a mess and a pathetic pay to win try.. but general mistake like the terrible interface, come on we are in 2020 and you design a horrible not efficient interface with major lag issue. (So many interfaces of the game need a revamp, they should rethink the interfaces... not everything is making a new coin shop event every month we've so much forgotten content or current content not-working/working-terribly)