It's well known among our community that Jett is a severely under-performing class. My goal with this topic is to give a set of carefully thought out feedback on every skill within Jett's kit, and discuss what skills are / aren't working in their current state and why. This may, and often will be, talking about damage, but things like attack hitboxes, cast times, cooldowns, class identity, and playstyle will also come into play. That said, in most cases I'm going to avoid suggesting what specific numbers should get tweaked to, as I don't think it's a players place to be getting into such specifics. Another goal I've set for myself with this topic is to avoid as many mechanical changes as possible, opting to simply suggest the changing of numbers, in the hope that the class can be brought into a better place without having to be given as much attention as Kanna was during its revamp.
Many of my suggested changes reference a concept where Jett's current buffs create problems for its long term scaling. I routinely will suggest that problematic buffs be turned into Final Damage on account of the fact that Final Damage never creates scaling issues no matter how much of it you get. To give a short example of what I actually mean by all this, and show the importance of it, I'm going to show a bit of math here. If you do 100 damage then your first source of 100% bonus damage would make you do 200, increasing how much damage you did by a true 100%. If you get another 100% on top of that then you'd then do 300 damage, which was only a 50% overall boost. This process continues every time you get a new source of an additive stat. Now for a class like Jett that can be a major problem, as they have a ton of %damage buffs throughout their skillset, making many sources of future damage, like hyper stats or potentials, weaker. This is an even bigger problem in Reboot where you gain a ton %damage passively from leveling up, making Reboot Jett's inherently weaker than intended when compared with their regular servers counterparts.
Each job will be prefaced by a description of what it's done right / wrong, and what skills have become a part of Jett's core identity for GMS players. Following that, I will discuss was is assumed to be the intended playstyle for Jett at each job, followed by how players actually play / want to play. With all that said, I will actually jump into the my proposed changes for each of Jett's jobs now.
First Job
This is actually one of Jett's strong points right now. It showcases that Jett is a hybrid pirate that uses both its fists and a gun, and has extreme speed at its core. Space Walk in its current state is one of, if not the, most important aspects of Jett's class identity the entire time you play it.
The understood intended playstyle at this job is to mob with Starline One on large groups of mobs, or Blaster Barrage on more spread out ones / horizontal maps, and this matches the playstyle in practice.
Second Job
Coming into second job we begin to see some of the issues with Jett's kit arise, but we also see a skill which is absolutely core to the identity of the class. Starline 2 seems to be the intended mobbing skill, but it's hitbox is small enough that it's difficult to hit many types of mobs with it while using Space Walk. Stellar impact is currently unused by players, and doesn't have a clear cut answer for what its intended purpose is supposed to even be. Bounty Chaser is the first of many buffs on Jett which contribute to its lategame scaling problems on account of being a %damage buff. On the positive side, Vortex cross is first unlocked at this job, and has become a beloved part of Jett's core identity. Vortex Cross becomes the best option for mobbing by far if the player has enough damage to clear maps with it.
The understood intended playstyle at this job is to mob with Starline Two, but players mob with Vortex Cross in practice if they have enough damage, and they far prefer it when it's viable.
Third Job
In many ways third job is a repeat of second job. It compounds on the issues that began in second job, but once again gives Jett parts of its core identity. Starline Three stands out right away as what seems to be the new intended mobbing skill, and it's acceptable, but this job also gives access to an upgrade for Vortex Cross in the form of Spatial Shift. This upgrade to Vortex Cross actually enables a method of mobbing which has become a core part of Jett's identity in GMS, but currently requires a disproportionate amount of damage to take advantage of. Cosmic Upheaval is another skill that's become extremely important to Jett players, but it suffers from not knowing whether it wants to be an attack or a utility skill, and has had a long standing client crash tied to it when you attack mobs which are too far away. On the negative side of third job, Falling Stars is essentially a repeat of Stellar Impact from second job in that it has no apparent use for players. Turret Deployment is weak enough that most players gain little to no benefit from using it. Slipstream Suit creates inflation of Jett's main stat DEX, and by extension scaling issues for future sources of %DEX, while Blaster Overdrive creates them for % attack, and Clairvoyant build onto the already existing % damage scaling problem.
The understood intended playstyle at third job is to mob with a combination of Starline Three, Cosmic Upheaval, and Turret Deployment, while the playstyle in practice is to use just Starline Three / Cosmic Upheaval when weak, or Vortex Cross / Cosmic Upheaval when strong, with a vast preference for Vortex Cross.
Fourth Job
At fourth job we see the culmination of all of Jett's problems coming together once and for all. The issues here are numerous, but relatively easy to fix. Starting with the balance of Starforce Salvo, it's clear that the skill is meant to be the bossing skill for Jett, but it's been so weak that the class hasn't used it to boss for years at this point. Throughout balance patches the class has gone from using Starline One, to Starline Two, to now Planet Buster as its bossing skill in order to get the most DPS... That is not to say those skills are / were overpowered, but rather that Starforce Salvo has been shockingly weak for far too long. Beyond Starforce Salvo, Planet Buster has been made into an enjoyable skill, but it hits an abysmal maximum of 6 mobs per attack. Backup Beatdown has been made borderline pointless through the removal of access to mobility options when casting it, and the addition of a very lengthy 60 second cooldown. Starfall is in an awkward position at the moment where the hitbox and cooldown make it so the skill's not really worth using since it lacks any tailored bonuses like what other pirates get for casting Nautilus Strike. Strikeforce Showdown is designed in such a way that it causes extreme variance in Jett's DPS, as huge chunks of damage come out of a 10% proc chance on hit, and it lacks the ability to be boosted by nodestones. Invincibility once again adds to the scaling issues on Jett by being a source of 11% damage, which is worth noting is not actually a typo. On a positive note, Gravity Booster, Giga Blaster, and Jett Supreme Enhancement, have all been balanced acceptably to well.
The understood intended playstyle at fourth job is to mob with Planet Buster, Backup Beatdown, Turret Deployment, Starfall, and Cosmic Upheaval, while bossing with Starforce Salvo. In practice, both mobbing and bossing is done exclusively with Planet Buster unless players become strong enough to mob with Vortex Cross. Players desperately desire to actually be able to boss with the intended bossing skill of Starforce Salvo though.
Hyper Skills
Jett's Hyper passives are mostly fine. Some of them don't make sense, or could be changed for the better. The active skills all need changes though. First of all, Planet Buster does not need an IED passive since it's the intended mobbing skill of the class, whereas Starforce Salvo does need an IED passive but doesn't have one. For actives, Singularity Shock currently has no real use, as it locks the player in place, doesn't help their DPS, and has a 100% crit rate passive which the class doesn't need. Rising cosmos should work with other explorers since Jett is an explorer, and Bionic Resilience should be removed entirely in favour of a new skill.
Jett's hyper skills do not change its playstyle at all.
Fifth job
Jett's fifth job is notoriously lackluster. Gravity Crush is a nice mobbing skill to have up, but has bad uptime, does too little damage in bosses, and is almost impossible to coordinate the final explosion of when bossing. Allied Fury is once again a mobbing skill, not offering a DPS benefit in bosses. When it works the skill is a nice part of Jett's kit, but its targeting is poor, often missing targets right next to the player. Suborbital Strike is the best of Jett's V skills, helping in both mobbing and bossing, but suffers from targeting issues.
When bossing, Jett's fifth job doesn't really change its playstyle, but when mobbing improves quality of life considerable.
Jett suffers in many ways, but has more potential to be an extremely fun class than perhaps any other in the game. I hope that this post has highlighted just how simple it could actually be to make Jett a fully viable class in the eyes of the GMS community. Removing buffs which have actually hindered its potential in favour of Final Damage, embracing the skills which GMS has come to consider core to Jett's identity by buffing them, and making Starforce Salvo strong enough to boss with will truly go a huge distance. If you have feedback, please leave it, especially if you're a Jett player yourself, or someone that's been interested in Jett but turned away from it due to the many issues it has right now. I myself am a relatively new Jett player, so I'm no expert yet.
P.S. go easy on me for any typos here. This turned into a really long post, and I've tried to proofread it, but it's really late in my time zone. I'll address any issues that are brought up to me later on, or edit them out as I find them myself in the future.
Starfall should up proc chance for Strikeforce
Or for them to full meme Jett, change a 5th, or their hyper to 100% Strikeforce 10-line proc for 10 seconds. Either the boss DCs. or they do. (Could actually balance this, halved lines but same effect)
I personally would suggest more drastic changes to the class but it really is simple to make the class perform on par with other classes. Right now I would say Jett is inferior design-wise than the RED update explorers got in 2013.
I would add the return of Vortex Jump, immensely useful skill
and the reduction in the number of active buffs, which can easily go over 10 with decent skills from 5th job/ potentials
Addition of modern features, which you mentioned, is a must. Invincibility frames, burst damage skills, party utility, or even a single synergy amongst ANY of the skills (besides obviously between salvo/showdown, which can hardly be called synergy)
As far as backup beatdown goes, I've always viewed it as "like xenon's beam dance, but unfathomably worse in every aspect". It's slow, you can't jump, it has a hard-coded usage limit punctuated by a senseless final hit and, as you mentioned in your post, a 60-second cooldown(which I don't think was there when I played jett last) that renders the skill effectively worthless.
I'd love to see this class become something worth actually playing, instead of constantly being everyone's dog to kick.