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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The balloon, yut and card games are bugged. I keep getting the 15 minutes banned from those games. I won the game and said i was afk? and the balloon keep asking me to type numbers and every time i typed the right number after awhile I get kicked out of the pixel game -_- and its just annoying some of these games are pretty fun.
No I finished before the time. I don't know if it's cause of the time i was playing? because it was pretty laggy also.
My friend has been having the same issue as you guys. Disconnects in minigames.
I've had the exact same experience with my first yut game so I was like "must be another one of nexon's bug" and just never played it again. 15 minutes and 0 coins :C
I'm having the same experience with pixel skies, I thought it was only me, but yeah it went from every few games to every other game, to kicking me out every single game, and I'm not even doing well in the game, getting only like 2-3 coins per run lmaoooo