Returning player. Me and my friend are looking for a guild to join to help us learn the ropes of the game
IGN: HeavensDong
Class: Pathfinder
Lvl: 201 still leveling
Hope I'm not too late for applying, my ign is CHAlNPlE, the two "l" are actually lower case "L"s. I've been on and off this game, started playing as a kid in beta. Hope I can make it into the guild! I'm planning on playing this game pretty seriously this summer.
IGN: Being Heroic, returning player
IGN: BeingHeroic
Class: Hero , lvl 207
IGN: SpamFriedRiz
Class: Kanna
Lvl: 159, lvling still but I'm active
IGN: HeavensDong
Class: Pathfinder
Lvl: 201 still leveling