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Regarding Server Merges

Reactions: 2,485
Posts: 174
Member, Private Tester
edited May 2020 in Rants and Raves
The tunnel vision on merging all the regular servers into one server on this forum is astounding to me. Especially when it comes from people who likely haven't played the game for an extended period of time and that think "maplestory is a massively multiplayer online game" is reason alone to merge all the regular servers.

The only concern you seem to have is population. Other concerns that would drastically affect quality of life in their proposed server, like crowding, lag/stability, and bots are thrown to the wayside, despite being legitimate concerns in for the server you want.

In regards to population, there's already two "big" servers for you to choose from: Reboot and Bera. Reboot already holds half the GMS population and is the most active server. It's also known for being difficult to find training spots in, and having stability issues. A world that results from merging all four regular servers would have a population on par with reboot. That would, in turn, also have it suffer the same problems as reboot. Bera's considered the largest regular server, and even it gets complaints regarding overcrowding and stability. If Bera was to merge with the other regular servers, those lssues would certainly get even worse. Yes, a low population in a server may not be a good thing. But some players would prefer to be in a less populated, more tight-knit server. A high population may actually turn some people away. Interacting with a lot of people can be overbearing. A low populated server would be preferable to those.

Another issue regarding population is crowding. As I've mentioned before, Reboot and Bera are both notorious for overcrowding. Finding grinding spots in either world is difficult, Reboot especially. A world consisting of all four regular servers would make finding training spots nigh-impossible. This would be a major QoL decrease for players and would deter them from playing the game. Especially during 2x events, when the servers become particularly busy. More channels could be added, but that's only a band-aid fix to the issue. More channels and only hold so many more players/maps. And Nexon is very unlikely to provide more channels to your proposed server. Even then, more channels won't do much to alleviate issues of lag.

Lag is a major concern for your propsed server. Reboot and Bera are known for lag. What makes you think your merge server won't? Better yet, if Elysium, the proportionally smallest server, somehow manages to lag, why wouldn't your proposed server lag?

Finally, merging all the regular servers into one would further concentrate the bot populations of those servers into one mass. That would definitely be bad for the game health and player experience. Channels would be more likely to crash. Meso prices would skyrocket.

All of these are reasons why a world merge wouldn't be healthy for the game, and shouldn't be implemented.

As for a world transfer, face the reality: After the disaster of the last world transfer event, it's likely they'll never happen again. Even one did happen, Bera would likely be blocked off to prevent polarizing the world populations again.

Also, as a person in a "dead" server: stop speaking for me. I, and several others, chose to stay in my dead server. I don't want people who haven't played Maplestory in a prolonged period of time to decide what's best for me, and neither do most of the players outside this forum.

TL;DR - Stop asking for a world merge. You don't speak for everyone and clearly don't understand the consequences of merging half the GMS population into one server.



  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited May 2020
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited May 2020
    hur dur
    suks to suck
    trolls that say paid by nexon

    players allready moved or about to move to the most active world without merge and without their progres( or just quit untill better days)
    new players dont even look at dead worlds
    95% of the boters are in one world allready ( i would like to see weekly ban data organised by worlds)
    lag its there especially at 2x and hours when boters are most active and its not all related to population (CM allready mentioned about recent crash/lag that is being done by illicit behaviours)

    but all that doesnt matter ,when only 5-6people oppse the merge
    "want" to be in dead world or just be selfish to other and not let other players move their progress with them to active world
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    players allready moved or about to move to the most active world without merge and without their progres( or just quit untill better days)

    Then why merge anyway? Why bother the people who willingly stayed in their worlds?
    new players dont even look at dead worlds
    They do. People join other worlds besides Bera or Reboot, believe it or not.
    95% of the boters are in one world allready ( i would like to see weekly ban data organised by worlds)
    lag its there especially at 2x and hours when boters are most active and its not all related to population (CM allready mentioned about recent crash/lag that is being done by illicit behaviours)
    Would you like to have 100% of them in one world instead? Have them lag the server even worse, and make channels more likely to go down?
    but all that doesnt matter ,when only 5-6people oppse the merge
    "want" to be in dead world or just be selfish to other and not let other players move their progress with them to active world

    Step outside the bubble of the forums and suggest all the regular worlds be merged. You're going to be met with backlash from more than the few people who deign to argue with people that can't see the side effects of thier suggestion.

    Also do you want to know what really is selfish? Beliving that you know what's best for half the game population while ignoring or writing off anything that is wrong with your suggestion, and anything that could go wrong. Multiple people have told you (and the others clamoring for a server merge) why it shouldn't happen, yet you refuse to listen to any reasons why it shouldn't happen.

    Say all regular worlds do get merged into one. Now what happens? People are unable to find training maps due to how crowded this new server is. Lag is even worse due to all the people, and bots, jammed into one space. Channel crashes become even more frequent because of the strain put on the server. Scammers are able to go more undetected because of the huge population. People have even more difficulty logging in. People stop playing because of their inability to log in. Eventually the server dies out becuse of poor QoL brought on by a server merge from people that don't know how to see any problems with their plans.

    Merging all the paid servers would actually kill the game. And it'd be solely the fault of you and the others that think they know what's best, despite others pointing out current problems with the servers what would be intensified if you did get your way. And if the people not asking for a server merge are still the selfish ones here, I legitimately don't know what to tell you. At least we can see how our actions would affect other players.

    And as for the server transfer you want so badly: if you think they're going to let people transfer to Bera, the most populated regular server, after what happened in the last world transfer event, you're delusional. Bera is definitely going to be blocked off if Nexon even considers another transfer event. Plus people are going to complain about missing that one. You'll never be pleased.

    Even if they make a new "dead" server for people to join, does that not defeat the purpose of a server merge in the first place? Why would they introduce an empty world for people to transfer to, if the goal of your is server merge is to unite people?

    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited May 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »

    because few of you make a bad image of merge with no valid reasons (or very few ) other then insults and trolling

    1. like all the bots are "comeing" from the dead world to ruin "your" world despite the fact of haveing more then 95% of the boters concentrated allready ( again i wish we could see ban data organised by worlds )
    for real we are just going to ignore that 95% of the boters or more and make merge to take all the blame for small % of bot increase and for how game is doing bad because of that ?

    2. throwing crowding as excuse on group of maplers stuck in dead world against their will and say "sucks to suck" or force them to leave their progress and start fresh then it wont be "crowding " ?

    3. infamous lag in GMS like for real ? are you still going after lag ? GMS had the lag for years when population was at all time high and now when drastically decreased , its all same if not worse now
    so how come those stuck in dead world can make such game breaking lag with merge and not with new chars or allready made chars in active worlds?

    4.players want to be in alone in the world in a MMO this is troll... like those that say paid by nexon to say...
    are you for real going to say NO to merge or to unite all just because few want to be alone in MMO ?
    ok sure you want to be alone but the game its not desined for that atleast non-reboot its not for solo/alone style,depends on big market and teamplay

    oh as of
    Even if they make a new "dead" server for people to join, does that not defeat the purpose of a server merge in the first place? Why would they introduce an empty world for people to transfer to, if the goal of your is server merge is to unite people?

    its a suggestion only for few that are allready in the dead world and want maintain that status and not unite with all other to one big world
    like they said they want to stay in the dead world let it be i dont mind unless you guys troll just to give a no to merge (like once say dont want overcrowding then wants to be alone )

    oh and i know this wont be done in near future
    nexon has so many critical and worse issue then this like i said before
    also i dont know how many noticed but familiar fix got postponed for late summer like almost 2months from now

    1: Reopening Schedule
    We are currently planning to reopen the Familiar system with our July v.215 update which will be our second Summer update.

  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    because few of you make a bad image of merge with no valid reasons (or very few ) other then insults and trolling

    Everything I listed isn't a valid reason? Especially when they're prevalent issues with the current servers that would be exacerbated even further by merging them all into one? Merging all the servers is somehow going to make all the current problems either go away or not matter?

    If you want to talk the validity of reasoning to merge, just look at the level the people wanting a merge are on. These points makes no sense what so ever. Ignoring current issues with worlds and merging them because "Maplestory is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game" or "it'd be easier to meet people and make friends" are not valid reasons to ignore the legitimate problems people bring up with the current worlds, and the world that would result from merging them.

    And you're one to talk for insults. People who don't want a world merge because of how it'd affect people outside of the vocal minority are "selfish". We're also Nexon employees because we actually think about how our actions would affect other people.
    1. like all the bots are "comeing" from the dead world to ruin "your" world despite the fact of haveing more then 95% of the boters concentrated allready ( again i wish we could see ban data organised by worlds )

    I never said anything about them going into my world. What literally everyone against a server merge has been telling you is that merging the regular servers would concentrate the bot population of all four servers into one place. Stop ignoring this. The majority of bots being in one server or not, you're exposing everyone in the regular servers to not only that major bot population, but the bots of every other server too.
    for real we are just going to ignore that 95% of the boters or more and make merge to take all the blame for small % of bot increase and for how game is doing bad because of that ?

    And are you going to ignore how merging all the servers would bring the bots into one place? And bring down the game for everyone in this merged server?

    Game isn't even doing bad either. If anything, it's been on the rise. And if Steam doesn't represent the full population, imagine how many people are playing via nexon launcher.
    2. throwing crowding as excuse on group of maplers stuck in dead world against their will and say "sucks to suck" or force them to leave their progress and start fresh then it wont be "crowding " ?

    Crowding is an actual concern when you're making another server as big as Reboot, the server people already complain about being crowded. Also see the Steam chart I lined too. A rising population is even more reason to worry about crowding.
    3. infamous lag in GMS like for real ? are you still going after lag ? GMS had the lag for years when population was at all time high and now when drastically decreased , its all same if not worse now
    so how come those stuck in dead world can make such game breaking lag with merge and not with new chars or allready made chars in active worlds?

    Because it's an actual issue that would affect people trying to play the game? Something that wouldn't just affect the population of one world, but the population of four worlds all crammed into one? This isn't a concern because people who either haven't played in a long time or are too lazy to start over the minimal progress they have want to force every server outside the one they willingly chose to play in to be with them?

    One person or a few people moving to an active world won't cause much of an issue. If they really value server population that much over their progress, people who want to be in an active server can do this and everything would be dandy. This way nobody but themselves gets involved in their decision.

    Four server populations being brought together to make an active world would cause major issues. Not everyone wants to be involved of the mess of a vocal minority.
    4.players want to be in alone in the world in a MMO this is troll... like those that say paid by nexon to say...
    are you for real going to say NO to merge or to unite all just because few want to be alone in MMO ?
    ok sure you want to be alone but the game its not desined for that atleast non-reboot its not for solo/alone style,depends on big market and teamplay

    It's different when you're forcing four populations who would prefer to stay in their worlds to come together whether they like it or not. What is "troll" is thinking this is a good idea, despite people from literally every regular server, and reboot, telling you how terrible of an idea this would be. Suggesting we're paid by Nexon because we actually know how to think about our suggestions and whether they should implemented for the good of the game or not is also rather "troll" too.

    I will say "no" to a merge if it means sacrificing quality of life even further because the people who think "Maplestory is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game" is reason enough to merge. And when everyone outside the forums thinks it's a bad idea too.

    Also honestly, the most recent updates have been pushing solo play further and further, particularly in grinding. And a server merge would make that even more difficult. The only time party play is relevant is bossing, and the servers you want to merge so desperately have no problems finding people to boss with already.

    Plus the big market you're talking about would be ruined by the mesos generated from bots. And bringing the bot populations of Elysium, Aurora, Scania and bera, would be super painful to the "big market" you want to create.

    Lag would also make teamplay difficult too. Bossing in Elysium is difficult because of the lag that happens in a bossing party.

    its a suggestion only for few that are allready in the dead world and want maintain that status and not unite with all other to one big world
    like they said they want to stay in the dead world let it be i dont mind unless you guys troll just to give a no to merge (like once say dont want overcrowding then wants to be alone )

    The point of both threads on a server merge has been concentrating the reg server populations into one, single server. Having another "dead" server for people to move to contradicts the goal these server merge threads have in the first place. Even then, it's only a vocal minority on the forums that wants a server merge. Almost everyone outside the forums agrees that merging would be terrible idea.

    And if you don't mind them wanting to be in dead worlds, and they keep giving you reasons why it shouldn't be done, why do you keep arguing about it and calling them "trolls", "selfish", or "nexon employees"?
    oh and i know this wont be done in near future
    nexon has so many critical and worse issue then this like i said before

    Then why are you arguing in favor of it? Why not have them fix those issues before considering a server merge, something that can make those existing problems even worse?

  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited May 2020
    because few of you make a bad image of merge with no valid reasons (or very few ) other then insults and trolling

    This is so ironic it's not funny anymore. Just in this thread alone you've been slinging around words like "selfish" and "trolls" when referring to those that don't agree with you. Speaking of those that don't agree with you, apparently they're automatically, "In the minority". Have you stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason why you've been met with such fierce opposition is because, heaven forbid, you're the minority?

    After reading your posts concerning this topic, it's utterly clear you don't understand how a merge such as the one you're campaigning for would affect the game as a whole. Your arguments against the points of those that are against a merge are barely even that, and more of a poor excuse as a rebuttal. For example, just in this thread your response to Husky's point of overcrowding was:
    2. throwing crowding as excuse on group of maplers stuck in dead world against their will and say "sucks to suck" or force them to leave their progress and start fresh then it wont be "crowding " ?

    An excuse? Is that what we're calling excuses nowadays? Are you incapable of understanding how bad the servers are lagging without being populated? Have you any idea how bad the lag is in bosses right now? I've heard that the Elysium black mage party has flat out stopped trying to clear because of how bad the lag is. If you had an sliver of an idea of how bad the lag is, you would understand that this point is certainly not an excuse, and a very valid concern in the discussion of merging the servers.

    (And let's be real, we all know that gms as it is currently doesn't have the wherewithal to merge all the servers. They can't even fix the issues they set out to in maintenances. Can't wait to see familiars come back in two months)
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited May 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    I never said anything about them going into my world. What literally everyone against a server merge has been telling you is that merging the regular servers would concentrate the bot population of all four servers into one place. Stop ignoring this. The majority of bots being in one server or not, you're exposing everyone in the regular servers to not only that major bot population, but the bots of every other server too.

    i dont ignore, the bots are allready conentrated in 1 world and other 3 are dead or slowly geting abandoned
    you pretend that the majority if not all of the bots are not around you and blame on merge as major contributing factor to bots (bots from dead world where even players dont want to be in lol )

    Because it's an actual issue that would affect people trying to play the game? Something that wouldn't just affect the population of one world, but the population of four worlds all crammed into one? This isn't a concern because people who either haven't played in a long time or are too lazy to start over the minimal progress they have want to force every server outside the one they willingly chose to play in to be with them?

    One person or a few people moving to an active world won't cause much of an issue. If they really value server population that much over their progress, people who want to be in an active server can do this and everything would be dandy. This way nobody but themselves gets involved in their decision.

    Four server populations being brought together to make an active world would cause major issues. Not everyone wants to be involved of the mess of a vocal minority.

    lag its issue i never said its not but to blame merge for that when lag its there with or without merge its not fair :(
    its nexon problem for cuting on server/ch resources not amount of players or players that are allready on the server and just want to move to other active world
    if what you and other say its critical lag should we also pray on big summer update with new class and all that to not be visited by many players? or be like sorry guys we lag if you would like to leave the server ?
    And if you don't mind them wanting to be in dead worlds, and they keep giving you reasons why it shouldn't be done, why do you keep arguing about it and calling them "trolls", "selfish", or "nexon employees"?

    i dont mind them STAY in their dead world if they let other that dont want stay in dead world to go to active one
    because they were like selfish or trolling like : wHaT AbOuT Me ? i wAnT To bE AlOnE In tHe wOrLd DoNt cArE If iTs mMoRpG oR If tHeRe iS StYlE LiKe tHaT In rEbOoT
    and i didnt call anyone nexon employe or being paid by nexon
    This isn't a concern because people who either haven't played in a long time or are too lazy to start over the minimal progress they have want to force every server outside the one they willingly chose to play in to be with them?

    everyone has their progress valued differently for someone its minimal for other its not
    why discourage like that ( some things cant be remade beta hat/rare nx/collections...)
    its not their fault that world is dead and cant go to active one that is next door ...
    why throw blame for lag/bots increase/crowding and be like sorry if you want come "merge" you are wellcome just go remake your acc-char... thats why i said selfish

    An excuse? Is that what we're calling excuses nowadays? Are you incapable of understanding how bad the servers are lagging without being populated? Have you any idea how bad the lag is in bosses right now? I've heard that the Elysium black mage party has flat out stopped trying to clear because of how bad the lag is. If you had an sliver of an idea of how bad the lag is, you would understand that this point is certainly not an excuse, and a very valid concern in the discussion of merging the servers.

    sucks to suck its the right excuse not to merge ? or go and remake acc/char in active world ?

    i know exactly how bad the lag,crash and bugs are ( its same if not worse in all worlds high or low/dead population )
    but thats ongoing issue for years and years server its same for all of us in GMS
    so i dont see how merge of 2dead 1 almost dead and 1 active world can make that worse ?

    why run dead worlds with 20 ch - waste resources when we can have one big world-server with much more channels and power ?
    why we lost 10extra ch ?
    (And let's be real, we all know that gms as it is currently doesn't have the wherewithal to merge all the servers. They can't even fix the issues they set out to in maintenances. Can't wait to see familiars come back in two months)

    yes i know :( summer update will be hectic
    hope players that come only for the summer update and fun dont get discouraged and leave quickly
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited May 2020
    because few of you make a bad image of merge with no valid reasons (or very few ) other then insults and trolling

    This is so ironic it's not funny anymore. Just in this thread alone you've been slinging around words like "selfish" and "trolls" when referring to those that don't agree with you. Speaking of those that don't agree with you, apparently they're automatically, "In the minority". Have you stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason why you've been met with such fierce opposition is because, heaven forbid, you're the minority?

    After reading your posts concerning this topic, it's utterly clear you don't understand how a merge such as the one you're campaigning for would affect the game as a whole. Your arguments against the points of those that are against a merge are barely even that, and more of a poor excuse as a rebuttal. For example, just in this thread your response to Husky's point of overcrowding was:
    2. throwing crowding as excuse on group of maplers stuck in dead world against their will and say "sucks to suck" or force them to leave their progress and start fresh then it wont be "crowding " ?

    An excuse? Is that what we're calling excuses nowadays? Are you incapable of understanding how bad the servers are lagging without being populated? Have you any idea how bad the lag is in bosses right now? I've heard that the Elysium black mage party has flat out stopped trying to clear because of how bad the lag is. If you had an sliver of an idea of how bad the lag is, you would understand that this point is certainly not an excuse, and a very valid concern in the discussion of merging the servers.

    (And let's be real, we all know that gms as it is currently doesn't have the wherewithal to merge all the servers. They can't even fix the issues they set out to in maintenances. Can't wait to see familiars come back in two months)

    I throw around "sucks to suck" to the people who try to conceal the fact that they wanted to bandwagon bera just like everyone else did but they missed their shot and are now, by their own perception, "stuck in a dead world". They're not stuck, they could easily restart on any world of their choice, but they wanted to pick up all their characters, all their stuff from one world and shitheap it onto bera just like everyone else did. But they missed their only chance to do so, thus they complain about their dead world and how unfair it is that they didn't get to transfer like everyone else. Sucks to suck.
  • AlexKarevAlexKarev
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 23
    edited May 2020
    Interesting. I'm in Scania i'm not going drop everything and leave. If the Bera's wanna complain let them go wild. If a merge happens it happens; it doesn't affect me really just effects the economy. I understand the loading screen can be hectic and it immediately closes which this somewhat effects me, but besides the guild race, i haven't really experienced that much lag in-game.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited May 2020
    AlexKarev wrote: »
    Interesting. I'm in Scania i'm not going drop everything and leave. If the Bera's wanna complain let them go wild. If a merge happens it happens; it doesn't affect me really just effects the economy. I understand the loading screen can be hectic and it immediately closes which this somewhat effects me, but besides the guild race, i haven't really experienced that much lag in-game.

    Most of the complaints and "we* want all the servers merged" comes from people on aurora, elysium and even scania who weren't playing at the time of the last world leap event and so they feel like they've "missed their chance" and are now "stuck on a dead world". Maybe their friends all transferred during this time in which they didn't play. Maybe they're the seasonal players who only show up for the big summer and winter updates before leaving again. And, as with many other things, they try to frame their own personal gripes and desires as being indicative of the player base as a whole.

    (* = a couple dozen people at best)
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    AlexKarev wrote: »
    Interesting. I'm in Scania i'm not going drop everything and leave. If the Bera's wanna complain let them go wild. If a merge happens it happens; it doesn't affect me really just effects the economy. I understand the loading screen can be hectic and it immediately closes which this somewhat effects me, but besides the guild race, i haven't really experienced that much lag in-game.

    This is a dangerous mindset. A server merge of all four regular servers would absolutely affect you. It's essentally forcing you into another server with a population on par with reboot.

    Bera doesn't want this proposed world merge either. They lagged for months after the last transfer event and general consensus is that Bera is already overcrowded as is.
  • AlexKarevAlexKarev
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 23
    edited May 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    AlexKarev wrote: »
    Interesting. I'm in Scania i'm not going drop everything and leave. If the Bera's wanna complain let them go wild. If a merge happens it happens; it doesn't affect me really just effects the economy. I understand the loading screen can be hectic and it immediately closes which this somewhat effects me, but besides the guild race, i haven't really experienced that much lag in-game.

    This is a dangerous mindset. A server merge of all four regular servers would absolutely affect you. It's essentally forcing you into another server with a population on par with reboot.

    Bera doesn't want this proposed world merge either. They lagged for months after the last transfer event and general consensus is that Bera is already overcrowded as is.

    While I will be ready for it if it does happen in a few years or so. Given so it would be a warning that Maplestory is dying.
  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    edited May 2020
    People have been claiming this game is dying for years. And the people clamoring for a server merge want it to happen right now. A server merge years ahead of the current time? Maybe. People come and go in MMOs though, so I doubt it'll ever happen. A server merge right now? Absolutely not. It'd be a surefire way to kill the game.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited May 2020
    People have been saying this game is both dead and dying(Schrodinger's MMO?) ever since big bang dropped. Here's a fun fact for you guys: we are now further away from the big bang patch(around v92-v93 or so) than the big bang patch is from the game's original launch date. It has been post-big bang for longer than it was ever pre-big bang. The game is not dead, live with it.
  • NeymarJr8NeymarJr8
    Reactions: 500
    Post: 1
    edited January 2021
    Is it hard to find a training spot at peak times at a popular map location in reboot? yes. But there are tons of slightly less popular maps to train on. Plus you forget that KMS population easily trumps gms, and it's not like they have 'more maps'. I think the whole issue of crowding is being blown out of proportions. In terms of the whole lag issue, like you said yourself even the current smallest server lags. That feels more like a nexon issue rather than 'too much population' issue. The lag is here right now, and it will still be here if a merge occurred. Life stays the same. Finally the whole market issue. Why would prices skyrocket? If anything, with more people selling the same thing prices will be driven down in the AH.
This discussion has been closed.