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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Lower/ remove the cooldown of BaM's sweeping staff
The cooldown was added to sweeping staff 5 years ago because it was obviously too OP 5 but now that 5th job has been added, battlemages kit is kind of outdated. Now that every class can blow up a map easily, the cooldown of sweeping staff is kind of unnecessary. This would help a lot with mobbing while 5th job skills are on CD and would also allow BaM's to train in more maps. Reducing the damage would also be an acceptable tradeoff.
It would be nice, since Aran have Beyond Blade part of their basic combo. FB into Staff would be fine.
To my knowledge, the range on beyond blade is much shorter than sweeping staff. Plus Aran only has Maha's domain for a summon, which has a much lower uptime than BaM's summons. Again, it'd be nice, but it's not really needed anymore. Aran needs beyond blade to have no CD. BaM doesn't need sweeping staff to have no CD.
any bit helps out for bossing dmg. I know altar is strong setups but BaM doesnt really have a kit for dpming beside telecast.