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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I die from hardlux then I couldn't use any skills and couldn't revive after the first revive. BRING BACK THE OLD GOLLUX PLS.
Here a workaround for the bug.
Use the guild skill "On My Way" or "I Summon Thee" to unstuck yourself. ("Rise , Minions!" will also work but it get put on cooldown and uses your IGP)
Do not use the yellow portal again or you will get soft locked again, so make sure you have rope lift in your V matrix.
(this solution works because your character is stuck waiting for the server to send a signal saying it can use skills again, and the guild skill forces the server to send you that signal)
it's been like this for days now.
can you please look into it and fix it