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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Bring back Frenzy Totems?
With the new memo normal servers frenzy prices are going to explode if they don't bring back the frenzies, they can make bank and as a player coming back (previous whale) who did not get to get one I'd like to get one. Frenzies and frenzy service are the only way to progress in the game when leveling to 250 and up. I'm begging you nexon plz bring back frenzies.
RIP reboot players I feel like they need to make a compromise here should be helping out reboot a lot more.
Frenzy was tms idea and the problem with tms stuff is that they have so much broken stuff that it doesn't really matter if they get little bit more broken stuff anymore. But when adapting those to other servers you can easily notice that they are problem. Fury was a quick fix for kanna farming meta which didn't really work out that well and frenzy is completely broken item in the 1st place but they are scared of nerffing it since it was acquired from marvel and philo books which are quite much p2w. Frenzies just make grinding faster but it's not a must for any lvl. They have reached 275 in kms without frenzy,kish or fury. It just takes more time to grind.