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[Possible Solutions] MapleStory Not Launching


  • WatorrWatorr
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    Has anyone found a working sollution? None of these seem to work for me and it's getting quite frustrating. A couple a weeks ago I was able to play but all of a sudden it won't launch anymore.
  • EdixemiEdixemi
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    Non of the above have worked for me. it starts to piss me off to be honest, ive spend my whole day off trying to figure this out, and when i contact nexon about it, all they say is that i ahve to wait until they investigate...
  • KdotLennieKdotLennie
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited January 2020
    number 3 ! works pefectly now thank you !! :D
  • shalviyshalviy
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    None of these worked for me. In the end, I ran CCleaner and it worked fine afterwards.
  • KeiRardKeiRard
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 6
    I tried doing what you write on that. However, it didn't work out.
  • NokinhoNokinho
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 3
    Vou digitar em português mesmo pois sou péssimo no inglês u.u
    Fiz todas as tentativas e o jogo não funcionou, eu QUERO MUITO que a Nexon tome partido dessa situação, meu Windows 10 tá mega atualizado na versão 1909 e o jogo não funciona. Por favor Nexon e GMs nos ajudem! HELP ME, HELP!
  • VulpinVulpin
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited April 2020
    Thank you.
    Only solutions 0 and 1 works for me, but I need to follow a specifical sequence:

    1 - unistall MapleStory game from Nexon Launcher
    2 - reinstall Nexon Launcher
    3 - reinstall MapleStory
    4 - repair MapleStory
    5 - restart the system

    I need to to this one time for each day I play the game. With practice it doesn't takes more than 5 minutes.

    Instead downloading it every time, I make a copy of the game in another directory then I duplicate it again to the installation folder. This video helped me.

    Apparently it's a common issue to Windows 10 users, no matter how much updated is the system and no matter if try any way to clean or edit the system register.
  • DarkPierlDarkPierl
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited April 2020
    Something that may work is just running CCleaner, you can download it from www.ccleaner.com
  • HueypleHueyple
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Tried all of these and none of them worked. It can be quite annoying going through everything and problem still doesn't get fixed.

    After digging around and researching some more. Found out that using the CCleaner fixed it for me.
    Now I don't have that problem at all. Able to log in and play normally.

    Hope this helps people who are a
  • xilemile123xilemile123
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Ok so what if none of these work for me?
  • BiskoreBiskore
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Unfortunately non of the solutions worked for me, even tried the ccleaner one in the comments, I've been trying to come back to maplestory for years when I got my now laptop (its an HP Omen if somehow there is something that can be done), first I had the issue that it wouldn't let me install the game in other drive than C, then I had this problem of the white not responding screen and let it be I just quit. But after maybe a year or more right now Im trying to play with an old friend we grew up playing this game and he is fine playing but I have this problem and tried everything, I dont know if it is this dumb nexon launcher thing or whatever but yes i feel very upset that i run heavy games on this and for ms it just doesnt work
  • ChiologyChiology
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2020
    Hey Everyone!

    After many hours and failure trying to install Maplestory through steam and Nexon. I have found a solution that has solved it. This allowed me to play maplestory on Surfacebook 2, running windows 10.

    Step 1: Tap Windows +R
    Step 2: Type msconfig
    Step 3: Click services tab
    Step 4: Check Hide all Microsoft services ( bottom left corner )
    Step 5: Disable all that is left, beside Nvidia Display Container

    Complete :D

    Enjoy ~

    I haven't played Maplestory in 14 Years and was extremely frustrated at this process. But after digging through a lot, I am here to Help

    Once you get on. Add me :D

    Lvl99Chi ~
  • AlexKarevAlexKarev
    Reactions: 1,045
    Posts: 23
    edited June 2020
    First of all CCleaner has hidden malware, so no antivirus we be best for this issue at hand.
    As what Vulpin states for Windows 10 users it's very common after any updates and starting up the first time..

    - So Run as Admin in the Nexon Launcher
    - Allow Maplestory through Firewall( it should be automatic)
    - Disable updates in your Nexon launcher( which I believe crashes the game since it's all not in sync yet on top with Google chrome and Microsoft edge both browsers don't mess well together..
    Usually my 2nd attempt is successful, but i will tell you not to mess with registry values, because it will also revert after every update and schedule maintenance.
    If anything from Taskbar is causing grief like Google crash handler (multiple) or Microsoft Edge end them all.
  • YpapsYpaps
    Post: 1
    logged in just to thank you for the lovely list. nubmer 3 indeed worked.
    no idea what the porpse of that file, but it works. thanks
  • LucidPandaLucidPanda
    Post: 1
    None of the solutions worked for me :/
  • BreezyeyesBreezyeyes
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    I've found that you have to actually be logged into a Windows Admin account for Maplestory to work. Being logged into a regular account and running Maplestory as Administrator when you launch it simply does not work. (It SHOULD work, but it doesn't.)

    Most people already sign-in to a Windows Admin account already - the first account you create when you get a new computer is the Admin account). But, for those like me who use a regular user account, switch to your actual Admin account when you want to play Maplestory.

    Hope this helps.
  • LegeoLegeo
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited September 2020
    So I tried getting back into Maplestory and I STILL can't back in!
    Uninstalling and reinstalling the Nexon Launcher AND game didn't work
    Switching to the steam launcher didn't work
    Reparing the install didn't work
    automatically setting it to open as admin didn't work
    Editing the registry didn't work
    Welp it's in the graveyard now, not sure if anything else works
  • SlimeShadySlimeShady
    Post: 1
    edited September 2020
    Been a whole year and this issue still persist. None of the solutions here work
  • I have tried everything form the list. Me and all my friends are having the issue and it has not been resolved. Maplestory is a game I have played for years since I was 8. I want to play again on my new pc and nothing I have done from forums or advice has fixed the launching issue.
  • shikkioshikkio
    Post: 1
    for #3, it just said that I can't change soScreenMode