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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
✓ Nightpriest Assassin Summons the Wrong Monster
Bug type: Monster
Brief bug summary: A monster in Commerci Republic, the Nightpriest Assassin, is supposed to summon a monster called Devileye once aggroed:
However, it actually summons Spiderling Cocoons or Spiderlings (monsters from the Tower of Oz which are unrelated to Commerci), depending on which variant you summon:
More details:
There are 2 variants of Nightpriest Assassin, as well as 2 variants of Devileye: a version with low HP and a version with high HP. The weaker Nightpriest Assassin is expected to summon the weaker Devileye, but summons Spiderling Cocoons instead.
The stronger Nightpriest Assassin is expected to summon the stronger Devileye, but summons Spiderlings directly instead.
I have recorded a video for reference:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Aggro either variant of Nightpriest Assassin.
2. Note that instead of Devileyes, you will be facing Spiderlings.
Character name: irrelevant
Character level: irrelevant
Character job: irrelevant
World name: Bera (applies to any world though)
Date and time of the incident: April 30, 2020 at 10:00 PM EST (but prior to that as well)