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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bug type: missing item needed for quest
Brief bug summary: I'm unable to do the quest "A Rose from the Snowfield" possibly due to the item snow rose missing for the second part of the quest.
More details:
I followed maple guide to Matagia and was following the Humanoid A quest line but there is a really odd disconnect from the quests "Humanoid A" to "A Rose from the Snowfield". The quest description roughly says to drop a May Mist on a Snow Rose Beaker in Where Snow Rose Grows and hit it to obtain 1 Snow Rose. I have the may mists but I have no idea where "Where Snow Rose Grows" is or what a snow rose beaker is. When I searched online I initially looked at the outdated site
https://global.hidden-street.net/quest/mu-lung-nihal-desert/humanoid-just-wants-to-be-human . It states that the pre-requisite quest was supposed to give a snow rose seed but I never got one. I also read that after finishing gathering the may mists that you should be able to talk to Humanoid A and he'd move you somewhere. When I looked further into the site it says that Alcaster (
https://global.hidden-street.net/quest/el-nath-mt-aquaroad/acquiring-the-seed-for-the-snowfield-rose ) gives the snow rose seed but Alcaster is no longer in Matagia and no longer offers that quest. (I realized this because of
https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Alcaster#El_Nath and from searching the npc in the world map) There's not much more online that I could find on this topic. I think something happened in the last few years so that the quest no longer works primarily due the removal of the snow rose seed from the prerequisite quest and possibly Alcaster's move to el nath.
Steps to reproduce: follow the Humanoid A quest line
Character name: peeech
Character level: 96
Character job: angelic buster
World name: aurora
Date and time of the incident: 6/20/2020 roughly
tldr; item at some point disappeared from game that's needed for quest