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Unban My Friend Who Was Falsely Autobanned

Reactions: 320
Posts: 4
I am posting this former submitted ticket in regards to a guildmate and friend of mine that was falsely banned by your auto-detection system the other day.

His IGN is emilenoble2

I happen to lead the guild he is in, Orcas and I can tell you that this guy is innocent of what he has been accused of. Sure he may be laggy sometimes and that could have tripped the system, but who doesn't lag?

Your systems have been wrong time and time again, this is just another one of those times. It is wrong to just halt all of this user's progress and at the very most, his feelings. He is truly heartbroken about this situation and that is painful for me to see as someone who cares about him.

These servers you have, they need work. This is not the first story like this as of late or throughout this game's timeline. This has happened so many times it is ridiculous at this point that you could be so hard on these people.

I sit back and watch you make decisions like destroying gollux so I can't carry my guild through it and get them superior gollux items so they actually stand a chance in the game against anything (increasing fun-had, and the turnaround rate that they would be willing to then drop real money on the game due to seeing an increase in their character's efficiency). The level of progression needs to actually be there, and you are actively making it impossible. Nerfing kishin is just another hot steaming pile of crap we just have to put up with. Who is there to keep you in check? It's sad but true to say people have lost hope from years of abuse on your part.

Look I am not trying to be an **** here, but what do you think you are doing? I mean really? You as a company are acting like a selfish heartbroken highschool drama queen. You are not the victims. You make millions each year off people virtually wanting to progress in your money-machine. And not even in a normal way... thru the means of Randomly Generated stats! IT IS ABSURD! Dollar value doesn't even equal fixed progression in your case?! What a joke!

I love maplestory for what it was, is and could be. I love the effort put into making the characters skills awesome and the content fun and exciting.

To sit back and watch this game get absolutely train-wrecked over some hardly even sensible selfishness and greed is crazy! I would be a fool to then sit back and take it! How disrespectful towards myself to ever do such a thing! I am not here to make friends with my abuser either, which you so clearly demonstrated you are. I am trying to figure out, who keeps you successful and sensible when you don't even listen to the source of your money?

Every other game I play and will ever play does not treat their players this way. They do not abuse them. Sure they have micro-transactions, but there are always other means to getting what you want out of the game. Not with you though... Not with you... and look I get that, we all want the money everyone else works hard for, we all want to be the kings, but you need a reality check Nexon.

You are not creating a business (or game) to get money honorably. You are in fact creating a lot of resentment, restriction and abuse. I have been in abusive relationships before, I know all of the signs. The fact that players are too scared of you to stick up for themselves, their money, their say and their game is saddening to my very core. If that doesn't get through to the heart inside you, you are a lost cause and you should pack up your stuff and get out of the gaming industry.

Saying all of this, you can see there are a lot of scars here from playing your game. You walk all over us like it's nothing, You are a bully. This is not what fun looks like. This is not how a game with great mechanics such as yours should be played. I don't understand this lust for making our quality of life so bad. What did we do to deserve this kind of punishment from you? How can you treat us this way and then ignore us when we find the strength to stick up for ourselves?

I am not alone in this just because others may be too scared to speak up.

I know my account's life runs a risk just for standing up to you because that is what it's like to stand up for what you believe in sometimes.. However, I refuse to fear the consequences of standing up for a game I love as it starts to fall apart.

Enough is enough.

You have done enough to hurt us, so give us our friend back. It won't make things even, no... and I haven't bitched at you before but maybe now you are starting to see how we actually feel about you. And if that is not important to you, then nothing but absolute greed is important to you.

Do the right thing. Unban emilenoble2.

Your systems auto-banned him... it isn't like you personally ever banned anyone. How could that not be without faults? Who keeps the system in check?

Come on Nexon... Listen to us, your money machines...

These money machines of yours, they aren't in your genius brains... they are in our wallets, stop being evil to us. You fool.

As a long time fan, supporter of maplestory, and respectable guild leader, this is incredibly upsetting and definitely (as you can tell) the last straw for me. I refrained from submitting tickets in the past about these things, but banning my friend and guildmate was a line that you crossed Nexon. Please unban him immediately. We must take action against you now.

Reconsider your stance on banning my friend and reconsider your methods of making a decent living. Good day.


  • OkhuraOkhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited June 2020
    I do understand your frustration and I will pass it along but your friend does need to make sure they contact support themselves so it can be looked into.
  • blackacidevilblackacidevil
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 4
    edited June 2020
    Okhura wrote: »
    I do understand your frustration and I will pass it along but your friend does need to make sure they contact support themselves so it can be looked into.
    Yeah I agree, he has been contacting them. However he was losing hope when they told him it's not possible immediately. I have witnessed people on this server get their accounts back before for this sort of thing, so I know it is possible. Thank you for the reply! :)
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited June 2020
    If they got their account back, it wasn't because of a forum post. You aren't actually talking to anyone at nexon in this place, just players and a community manager.
  • iMrChiefyiMrChiefy
    Reactions: 650
    Posts: 9
    edited June 2020
    I couldn't have worded this post any better myself. Hats off to you friend, i hope your friend/guildie gets their well deserved account back. Its sad to see my favorite game crumble and burn in the hands of nexons greed. I feel like the decade and a half ive spent on this game has gone to waste with the direction nexon is taking it and theres literally nothing i can do to stop it. Gollux has been around since 2012 and all of a sudden they decide to change it, no one ever asked it to be changed. Like the old saying goes.. if it aint broke, dont fix it. And that's exactly the opposite of what nexon has done and now look at the outcome, theyve introduced new bugs in gollux that makes it unplayable, and pissed off everyone in the process.

    I see countless posts on reddit, maple forums and alot of other forums about how bad nexon is as a company and im sure theyve seen them too but they still ignore us and continue to bash and bully us.
    Ive been playing this game since before horntail released so i know a thing or 2 about what this game could have been, and this is not what i pictured it would be. Im so disappointed in nexon. I feel like wizet were the ones keeping nexon in check while they were still apart of the early days development, and ever since they left this game has gone downhill