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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Gollux Softlock/Cant respawn or attack
Bug type: Functionality
Brief bug summary: Gollux Softlock/Cant attack, use skills, use portals, respawn, etc.
More details:
In the gollux fight, if you have a stack of the debuff (which is applied when one of the "Corrupted Veilstones" reach gollux's chin) and try to take ANY of the yellow portals you will be softlocked and unable to make any action other than moving and normal jumping. This includes being able to respawn after dying, and the only way to escape the softlock is to leave your party or change characters.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Allow one of the "Corrupted Veilstones" to reach Gollux's chin and apply the "Enfeebling Aura" to your character.
2. Attempt to take the yellow portal in the center of the map.
3. rip your daily attempt
Character name: hypersucc
Character level: 211
Character job: Mercedes
World name: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 5/11/2020 6:20 PM
"Gollux Softlock/Cant attack, use skills, use portals, respawn, etc."
Character name: Jusraiz
Character lvl: 230
Character job: Phantom
World: Aurora
Date and time of the incident: 5/07/2020
I had the same issue with the exact same problems as noted above: "Gollux Softlock/Cant attack, use skills, use portals, respawn, etc.".
I also died a few times due to really bad hit boxes where gollux attacked on the left and hits me on the right side of the map.
Character name: mashpotato88
Character lvl: 211
Character job: Bowmaster
World: Reboot
Date and time of the incident: 05/16/2020
Character name: Runicpaladin
Character level: 232
Character job: Paladin
World: Elysium
Date and time: 5/26/2020, 10 pm
Character name: NotGinu
Character level: 202
Character job: Bowmaster
World: Reboot
Date and time: 5/27/2020, 9
Character name: Iriandra
Character level: 200
Character job: DemonSlayer
World: Reboot
Date and time: 6/16/2020
Rare i think not.. i run gollux on 4 chars.. Just today.. 3 of them are bugged.. a kanna that has teleport pass the test .. lmao..
Character name: CannonNyan
Character lvl: 231
Character job: Cannoner
World: Aurora
Date and time of the incident: 18/06/2020
Server: reboot
Name: Ghrandon
Level 199
Date: 20200621
Time: 1338 UTC
it happened to me today again and i am so pissed.
Like they need to get their **** together