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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Don't dispel familiar summon when dying
The familiar summon is supposed to be summon skill. But it still gets dispelled when you die so you have to resummon familiars after respawning, which sometimes could cause unwanted deaths on bosses. Old familiars were quite much permanent buff until you unsummoned them yourself.
If not make them on/off, atleast make the skill affected by buff freezers and battleroids as other buffs.
Otherwise the familiar system seems to be working fine so thanks for extensionless patch that actually worked (or atleast haven't noticed game breaking bugs yet)
But the crazy advantage the people that abused teh drop glicth from the boogies and Oda's is crazy.
Some are getting + 200% boss WTF.
Nexon should do something about that
Boss Damage% from familiar potential is actually capped at 120% =D they don;t have any advantage over you if u roll 1 top line of boss on 3 unique familiars most likely won't even cost you 3b worth of mesos converted to maple points. Nexon did excellent this time! Finally it was not a glitch they stated before the v213 patch they absolutely promised players they would not nerf the current drop rates of familiars and they did wind up nerfing familiar drop rates everyone had a fair chance except people that missed the event entirely or were too LAZY to farm when they had the chance 4 days that spanned into a weekend...
Or are you gonna start crying bring back frenzy totem to marvel and bring back pottable badges and the time when you could have up to 3 legendary lines of inner ability and those players that rolled the 3 L lines of inner were allowed to keep em to this day, ya snooze ya lose I mean they even had an over sized jr. boogie in a tent in the pixel event town with the v213 pixel/familiar patch back in April like it was foreshadowing this was a gift to the player base. if you go further back there are even more things others have that YOU will never be allowed to have EVER, cause u were not there, quite possibly a one time chance or maybe an expired series of reoccurring events like Sengoku.
-1st release permanent demon pet set got to keep its 15 wa pet set bonus all other 15 wa pet set effects are non-perm pets, you missed that too.
-collecting non-expiring fully stackable wilderness hunter buff from mr. lee's air line event 10k hp/mp 100 wa/ma 30mins
-Lab server.... may never return and the +45 wa and bonus legion grid pieces
-All the ultra OP anime xover event medals, including the best being humanity's strongest 5% crit 5% critical damage 18wa/ma medal that clever players learned you could use the hour glass cash item to extend its expiring duration forever amen.
-I am sure there are more things that are op and gone while players who were there get to keep it, oh my goodness me oh my oh don't you cry my dear child, let me wipe away your tears and provide you with my shoulder for you to rest your head upon, cause I used to have your problems but now I have learned to deal with it, that is just how this game is, it rewards its player base for being long term players
-Or do you think they should punish them for it instead?