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Jr. Boogie Familiar in Reboot

Reactions: 210
Posts: 2
So with the new familiar revamp that was first launched back in April, a lot of players were able to "take advantage" of the high drop rate of Jr. Boogie familiars. Some players were able to farm from hundreds to even thousands of this familiar. This familiar had the potential to give 30-40% boss damage and 15% IED which is highly sought after in late to endgame. Obviously, there was an unscheduled maintenance which reduced the drop rate to near impossible. With that said, familiars (even common or rare) have a low drop rate in general now.

I find players who farmed up this amount of Jr. Boogie familiar have the upper-hand. Not that it is a bad thing but newer players are so far behind and definitely have to work much harder now . Ultimately, this greatly affects the balance of the game going forward.

I suggest either increase the drop rate of familiars in all categories, reduce the cost of familiar points in the shop, or allow us to buy red familiar packs in Reboot to reset potential.


  • TurtlesRockTurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,845
    Posts: 95
    edited July 2020
    Yes, they need to make good epic potentials at least obtainable. Keep in mind that it takes hundreds of epic familiars to get 20% boss, and hundreds more to get 30% boss. Easily at least 500 for 30%, but most likely more.
  • SorbitolSorbitol
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 8
    edited July 2020
    I think at the very least, the drop rate for Common familiars should be boosted back to the rate when the revamp first happened. Strictly speaking, the real problem with that drop rate was the high rate of Epic familiars, and nerfing the drop rate of all familiars across the board just to fix the Epic drop rate was a terrible solution. There shouldn't be a problem with raising the drop rate for Common familiars back to what it was, and having easier access to a large amount of Common familiars would improve familiar gameplay in all aspects (collecting for badges, fusing for rank-ups, extraction for booster packs).
  • cazorPcazorP
    Reactions: 210
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    Sorbitol wrote: »
    There shouldn't be a problem with raising the drop rate for Common familiars back to what it was, and having easier access to a large amount of Common familiars would improve familiar gameplay in all aspects (collecting for badges, fusing for rank-ups, extraction for booster packs).

    Yes, they need to make good epic potentials at least obtainable.

    Exactly. Even if I were to rank up a familiar to Epic or Unique, the chances of getting boss damage is so low. Without red familiar cards in Reboot resetting the potential, that familiar will become useless regardless of rank. The amount of work put in to obtain boss damage lines from epic potential is near impossible.