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Can't revive in gollux


  • cakebubcakebub
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    same here....I died 2 times, then the third time there's a screen saying if I want to use buff freezer when I don't even have one...I'm just stuck, clicking the ok button doesn't do anything.

    I'm about to quit playing this game, so many frustrating UI decision and bugs.....like seriously who is the product owner and team that works on this....and the interface requires users to do so many extra things for no reasons.
  • VouchVouch
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    can also say this JUST happened to me. Couldn't use the portal, died after being 1hko'd and cant revive. waste my daily attempt. why did you make it only once a day?!
  • ReficuleReficule
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 4
    edited July 2020
    This happens to me on daily basis. On average twice for every three days.
  • BlaqqBlaqq
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    Happened the past 3 days for me
  • WombatusWombatus
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    Character name: B3NNIEnCATS
    Character level: 204
    Character job: Luminous
    World name: Reboot
  • DatriusDatrius
    Post: 1
    Please nexon fix this... 3 days in a row that I die and cannot respawn cause of this glitch.... its so persistent and no one will fix it
  • AvendesorAvendesor
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 2
    edited August 2020
    how do I hate this ****, and I only died cause the game was so lagged I couldnt even press the portal --'

  • thechinabankthechinabank
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited August 2020
    Safe to say that this has been an ongoing problem for quite some time...

    My conclusion is that the reverse bomb in phase 2 is the cause of the glitch/bug.

    I've sent a few tickets inquiring this problem and received the SAME response for all three instances. Even before Gollux was revamped to drop time gated coins for the end game equips.



    Anyone else receive better luck in getting an actual response?
  • ochentochent
    Post: 1
    still is happening, I have lost like 6-7 gollux fights to this glitch
  • daijakakedaijakake
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 3
    edited September 2020
    it's happening to me too! I didn't know this glitch had been going on for so long.

    It happened when I took too long to revive. I think the key is ti click the revive button asap, before the glitch kicks in,
  • BoredEricaBoredErica
    Reactions: 440
    Posts: 15
    edited October 2020
    Happens to me too, and this has been happening to everyone since Gollux was revamped, which was months ago and still hasn't been fixed.
  • HamachiZMHamachiZM
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited October 2020
    Still happening as of Oct 16, 2020; happened twice to me in the past 3 days.
    World: Reboot, Char: SithZavv
    Seems like this major bug has been here for more than half a year... comon, raise the JIRA ticket priority already.
  • MetaKite1MetaKite1
    Post: 1

    Bump. Issue still happening. Inability to use normal attacks or skills after attempting to teleport from the bottom hidden portal when a gollux debuff stack of 4 was applied. Then, I couldn't press OK to be revived nor was I automatically revived when the time ran out. Had to logout...
    Character Name: CandyKite
    Character Level: 231
    Character Job: Mercedes
    World: Reboot
    Date: 11/5/2020
  • DJsProDJsPro
    Reactions: 100
    Posts: 2
    Happens to me on weekly basis at least.
    Seems to happen on second death usually.
    I use buff freezer and revive the first time and I would get stuck after dying the second time.
    Date: 2021-04-21