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Blaster's rocket punch skill

Reactions: 300
Posts: 5
edited November 2020 in Bug Reporting
Sometimes when i use rocket punch, its duration gets stuck in 0 sec and I can´t use combos properly becuase of a bug. [combo of magnumpunch/doubleblast with revolving cannon and also with cannon overdrive since bullets dont reload nor get consumed]



  • TheAverageGamerTheAverageGamer
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 5
    edited November 2020
  • KroukurKroukur
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    This bug ruined the skill for me! It's stopping me from using bunker buster which hits hard on both our training and bossing ability. I fully shutdown my pc but that didn't fix it. Using the skill again after the cooldown fixes it but it just comes back on later uses. I only noticed it with the Awake update and I hope that we get a fix soon.