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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Im playing a kaiser that i have had for some time now but i cant do most quest lines cause i cant kill monsters effectivly and i take 2k+ dmg per hit. I have gear for lvl 140 and in 190 areas still get those drops so how do i get better gear so i can fight better?
Start with getting 150 chaos root abyss gears from auction house and boss accessory, both with epic 2 lines. From there you can work your way up to 160 gears.
Maple Tour is good for lower-level players. In fact, I do think the whole point of that was to help players get over the shock of losing Bye Bye Station.
There are the blue crystals you get from fighting bosses and can sell to the guy at the Free Market.
Also, I make a lot of mesos selling things at the auction, like Cubic Blades and Dusk Essence. You'd be surprised how fast Spell Tags go. At 2,500 mesos each, I can make half a million mesos per day on those alone. If you can't use a scroll yourself, those will go fast too.
A useful tip for anyone using the auction house, first find out what everyone else is charging for the item, then charge less for yours.
Don't waste time selling weapons or armor unless they're really, really good. In-game merchants are much easier.
CRA gears really shouldn't be all that expensive, especially armors. What world are you in, and what's the cheapest price of each CRA gears in your auction house?
Jesus. Ok ummmm
Start collecting meso with bossing and Maple Tour (when it's available again). Start off with N Zak, Ez Magnus, Normal Hilla, Ez Papulatus, and Ez Horntail. This will get you around 3.7 million a day. Also go to Ursus when it's 2x meso time (UTC: 1:00 AM - 3:00 AM and UTC: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) and see if there are people who're doing it. If there are, then do it.
For mobbing, make sure you mob at least until you cap the daily coin limit. Don't go to level 190 region when you're getting too much damage and can't kill the mobs effectively. Either go to level 180 Perion region, or do the prequest and go to Kritias. Make sure to learn Herb Harvesting skill from Ardentmill, and harvest red, purple and gold flowers whenever you see it on maps your grinding.
These are going to be your money maker. Sell them on AH when you get them while mobbing. And if you get something called "primal essence" as drop, you hit the jackpot and sell that thing for $$$$ on auction house as well.
As you accumulate money, start buying cheapest CRA gears you can afford (prioritize getting fafnir weapon first). Once you get 2-3 CRA gears, and hit level 200 and gained 5th job skills, start doing Normal Root Abyss bosses, which will bring you more daily meso.
For event coins, make sure to buy all 5 epic potential scrolls and use them on 120 or lower gears. If you use them on 130 or higher gears, you'll end up spending 10 times the meso to occult cube them. Use 4 epic scrolls on 120 or below gears (hat, top and bottom (or 2 overalls), and a weapon) and use occult cubes you get from bossing and try to get 6% (or 4% if gear level is below 70) stat line for armor and 6% attk for the weapon. When you do, transfer hammer them to your CRA gears (read about transfer hammer online to make sure you don't make mistake while doing this). For the last epic potential scroll, use them on either your emblem or secondary weapon and occult cube them until you get 6% attack. This should get you settled into the game.
As for the rest, try joining guilds. Just search for guilds that are recruiting and join the one that's decently level (~15-20) and have good amount of people online. Considering barren population of Aurora, I imagine they will accept pretty much anyone as long as they're active. Ask them about how you should progress, and ask them if they can help you out.
i'm in aurora as well, i'd be more than happy to pass off some cra gear and any other kind of help if you'd like !
Btw, have you got Star Force on all of your equips? f no, that's a major oversight.
If you don't want to abandon it, burn a mercedes. It's tough to get them from 200 to 210, but to get to 120 takes only half a day. At 120, their link skill will give +15% EXP to your main (+20% EXP at level 210 Merc)