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Hollow apology and complete lack of clarification.

Reactions: 765
Posts: 37
edited April 2021 in General Chat
So the Maple Memo just dropped a little while ago and left me with more of a sour taste than any measure of optimism.


The train of thought that went into these decisions to begin with was utterly bewildering and even this Maple Memo has the clarity of a muddy puddle.

- Firstly this excuse that some players might get coins too quick and your response to this is to SCREW OVER ALL PLAYERS?. Not once did any employee bring up the idea of FIXING SEASONS 1 AND 2? Has anyone in the Nexon office actually tried doing the content and not stumbled over a single bug? (bugs and issues that are being plastered all over virtually every GMS forum both official and third party). Not once did any of you stop to think "why are players wanting to farm for coins? what is it that they don't like about the event's quests?". This desire within Nexon to 'balance the game' has clearly turned toxic and its either being done to spite the player base, or its being left in the hands of people who don't understand nor play the game.

- Second, we move onto the apology in regards to 'not informing the players' and this raises the question of when do you ever if there isn't significant backlash forcing you to? Further down from the apology you openly admit the decision NOT TO TELL US and after some more apologetic words you end by throwing mud in our faces yet again with a "we'll let you know when we have a plan".

- Third, some of the list of issues being brought up.
RELEASE. CUBE. RATES. FOR. GMS. You want to players to believe you're turning over a new leaf and going to be honest and open? Then get someone on this and have it out within the week to show you're actually serious. We don't need some fancy real time tracker nonsense, just put the information in a table exactly how KMS presented theirs.
Good that you're hiring another Community Manager, I know I'm not the only one who feels sorry for your current CMs being run ragged with every new fire that sparks from within the game. That said, CMs need to be more involved in regards to meetings and brainstorming sessions and able to notify players of changes, balancing etc BEFORE such plans even start to be acted upon to gauge player opinion and reaction. prime example of this being the Thunder Breaker changes that nobody wanted nor asked for which basically turned an average class into one of the worst classes in GMS.
Balancing concerns.
Whoever is currently in charge of balancing frankly needs to be put on a livestream and made to try to explain their thought processes regarding such decisions and made to answer player feedback and questions regarding this in real time, also because they need to be exposed to the frustration and toxicity their decisions are having upon the community.

So many of us players want to believe maybe this time things will be different and things will improve, but its so hard to have that mentality after being burnt and left in the dark for so long. Genuinely good luck in turning over this new leaf, because its going to be a very long and difficult road to restore players trust.

To any Moderator/Community Manager that see's this, urgent clarification is needed concerning the compensation.

"We will give out 1,000 Aspire Commemorative Coins during the April 8 maintenance to all players who have completed either Season 1 '[Mechanical Hearts] Digital Horrors' quest or Season 3 '[Mechanical Hearts 3] Returning to Aspire' quest before this announcement to apologize for the change not being communicated properly."

1. Does this apply once per account or is it per character?
2. Does this apply to only those who cleared either of those mentioned quests BEFORE the Maple Memo was posted or does it mean before the maintenance?


  • thekenturahthekenturah
    Reactions: 1,370
    Posts: 29
    edited April 2021
    They need to change this to BEFORE the maintenance, if they only give the 1000 coins to those who cleared before they released their secret announcement, we are still penalized for deciding to not participate in the event AT ALL because they changed it in such a horrible way.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited April 2021
    I would like to see transparency on the familiar rates.
  • ArkhustArkhust
    Posts: 3
    I agree with you =) , the way they ``balance`` things out is extremelly toxic, removing content, making easy and nice content harder for no reason at all( looking at you gollux) , releasing new content but making it annoying and so time consuming is not worth for 99% of the maple population(looking at you masteria revamp ) , releasing events that are soooo time consuming no one even bothers or spamms reddit with how awfull it is(looking at you maple cafe) , releasing a battle pass thats way too expensive for the small rewards they give( ehem 30 dollars? why not 10 or 12 dollars and increase the rewards? ) .
    Also wild totems, why they havent improved this system yet? It was released a long time ago, they had plenty of time to monitor it and see the players feedback, 1,8k reward points is way too expensive, the system is too rigid, ure forced to play for 2 hrs straight or else it expires, why not make it so that it only consumes the time if u cast it, why not make it cheaper, why not remove the limit, why not release other wild totems that last for 30mins, 1 hour??? ...
  • ArkhustArkhust
    Posts: 3
    I agree with you =) , the way they ``balance`` things out is extremelly toxic, removing content, making easy and nice content harder for no reason at all( looking at you gollux) , releasing new content but making it annoying and so time consuming is not worth for 99% of the maple population(looking at you masteria revamp ) , releasing events that are soooo time consuming no one even bothers or spamms reddit with how awfull it is(looking at you maple cafe) , releasing a battle pass thats way too expensive for the small rewards they give( ehem 30 dollars? why not 10 or 12 dollars and increase the rewards? ) .
    Also wild totems, why they havent improved this system yet? It was released a long time ago, they had plenty of time to monitor it and see the players feedback, 1,8k reward points is way too expensive, the system is too rigid, ure forced to play for 2 hrs straight or else it expires, why not make it so that it only consumes the time if u cast it, why not
  • LaxrsiLaxrsi
    Reactions: 1,115
    Posts: 62
    edited April 2021
    They need to change this to BEFORE the maintenance, if they only give the 1000 coins to those who cleared before they released their secret announcement, we are still penalized for deciding to not participate in the event AT ALL because they changed it in such a horrible way.

    People who were doing it BEFORE the announcement were already doing it so basically their "apology" is punishment for those who didn't do it on their alt seeing how annoying it is already to do it on one character. Didn't know apologies came with restrictions.
  • BlasterMasterBlasterMaster
    Reactions: 1,500
    Posts: 234
    edited April 2021
    This isn't the first time Nexon had a, "catching one cheater is worth screwing 20 honest players" policy. The anti-AFK mobs are proof of that.

    Seriously, WHY are they needed? There's an easy solution to this, If a player is idle for 3 minutes or more, DC the guy. You know, like that cheery Maple Admin tends to do for no reason.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited April 2021
    The balancing excuse is utter rubbish. They probably thought people would keep switching mains until those legacy OP items become unused and therefore obsolete. Which obviously didn't happen. Now we have players running around with a $10,000 item dominating the game.
  • PulledFingerPulledFinger
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 37
    edited April 2021
    ShadEight wrote: »
    The balancing excuse is utter rubbish. They probably thought people would keep switching mains until those legacy OP items become unused and therefore obsolete. Which obviously didn't happen. Now we have players running around with a $10,000 item dominating the game.

    That's the elephant in the room all this balancing talk never addresses. If such items are as they put it 'bad for the game' then in addition to never bringing back those events (and giving a definitive statement such event and/or item will never return again in that form), all existing items currently in game would/should also be removed with some form of compensation given. Not being left in game and creating power imbalance.
  • JeepJitJeepJit
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2021
    I'd like to see the Starforcing and Boom rate. Especially during event, when you spend 20 bil and get no progression, I'm on the edge of quitting.
  • MapleSapoMapleSapo
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 84
    edited April 2021
    JeepJit wrote: »
    I'd like to see the Starforcing and Boom rate. Especially during event, when you spend 20 bil and get no progression, I'm on the edge of quitting.

    You talking about the 30% discount event right?
    When people said "it is a scam" I really started to believe them after the last event. How you have 50% chance to work but fail 10 times in a row? I don't think is normal. This never happens in the normal days. I failed a lot even in the second star..
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
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    edited April 2021
    MapleSapo wrote: »
    JeepJit wrote: »
    I'd like to see the Starforcing and Boom rate. Especially during event, when you spend 20 bil and get no progression, I'm on the edge of quitting.

    You talking about the 30% discount event right?
    When people said "it is a scam" I really started to believe them after the last event. How you have 50% chance to work but fail 10 times in a row? I don't think is normal. This never happens in the normal days. I failed a lot even in the second star..

    Here's the thing. Their "rates" are a complete joke. They say it's 50% pass but it reality it's really not. It's prob half/less than half. They've been doing this for years and they've finally been caught but still haven't fixed it. They're going to keep milking people for all of their money and then decided hey we're closing down the game, just like with MS2.
  • PHDSkylaPHDSkyla
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 33
    Albinorock wrote: »
    MapleSapo wrote: »
    JeepJit wrote: »
    I'd like to see the Starforcing and Boom rate. Especially during event, when you spend 20 bil and get no progression, I'm on the edge of quitting.

    You talking about the 30% discount event right?
    When people said "it is a scam" I really started to believe them after the last event. How you have 50% chance to work but fail 10 times in a row? I don't think is normal. This never happens in the normal days. I failed a lot even in the second star..

    Here's the thing. Their "rates" are a complete joke. They say it's 50% pass but it reality it's really not. It's prob half/less than half. They've been doing this for years and they've finally been caught but still haven't fixed it. They're going to keep milking people for all of their money and then decided hey we're closing down the game, just like with MS2.

    You guys don't understand how RNG works. Also loads of the info you're looking for was posted to StrategyWiki long before KMS admitted any of it.
  • EliteSlayerzEliteSlayerz
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 3
    edited April 2021
    I am willing to bet that cube tier up rates for master and meister craftsman cubes, particularly masters, have dropped since the release of red and black cube tier up rates ...