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Phantoms holy symbol and stealing skill questions
So Im preparing myself skill stealing wise. Currently my phantom is 158 if not 160+ already if I grind tonight. Im just missing some 4th and not sure about my hypers. Is it better to steal HS from a bishop or wait to get it with with the V Matrix? I have final cut as well, however I heard cross surge is booty because you HAVE to be maximum HP in order for it to be worth while. Also I see someone have a hyper 4th skill for the ice/lightning mage, but also saw the fire mage one is good I took the fire mage skill as it goes past damage reflect. Also watching a video facing arkarium the snake minions dont take physical damage so that extra magic damage will be nice.
This is my current skills I am still trying to find a marksmen for bullseye shot. Also In a way isnt the paladin skill redundant because you get the erda skill that temporarily lets you be invincible along with having dark sight? What kind of gear should i be going for right now i do have access to commerci but I currently have reboot(frozen) gear at the minute but looking for the next step up. Thanks for the tips!
I have a 35.8k clean stat Phantom with 7200 legions maxed out Vnode, couples 21/22* gears.
only doing HALF AND MAYBE LESS damage in BA compared with ppl having the same stat.
Don't listen to those ppl saying Phantom has lots of iframes they are sTrOng enough, you mostly use those skills for damage INSTEAD OF survivability.
Speaking of skills to steal, mobbing you use showdown from NL or cannon from cannon master or ice orb is only good at arcana, most skills you can steal are garbage
Cross Surge is extra final damage so yes it's useful, even if you aren't full health and are only getting a portion of its effect, it's still arguably better than anything else you can equip in the 3rd job slot.
Stolen mage skills can be hit or miss and ultimately depend on you grinding play style. In terms of bossing neither is as useful as Final Cut. Also Phantoms 4th job skill Vol D'Ame can strip damage reflect from a boss and give that effect to yourself for a short time.
In regards to Arkarium, a recent update changed it so the minions now take from damage from any damage source.
Good luck in searching for a Marksman as they're incredibly rare to find out in the wild. Would highly suggest politely asking around a town (likely Hene, Leafre or VJ) if any kind soul has a MM character you can steal the hyper from.
Sacrosanctity (the Paladin hyper) again depends on your playstyle. I use it on my Phantom for some weeklies since I'm lazy cough*HMag*cough.