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How to improve the game (GMS)

Member JustGirlNami
Reactions: 200
Posts: 4
edited April 2021 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello everyone.

Today I would like to talk to you about some things I want Nexon to improve in our game (GMS) and things that will be like in KMS. I will put things in categories.

Cash shop
GMS Servers
Visual changes
Cash shop - items and more.

KMS has a system called Royal Label, so why not bring it to GMS? You have already taken this step of changing the look of the CS and also given us the Wisp's Wondrous Wonderberry system so we need the Royal Label system as well.MapleStory M also has this Master Label / Royal Label system. MapleStory M Royal Label System (Link)


Master Label / Royal Label Also KMS have over 94th sets of this system

Also give us option to sell Red / Black Cube in AH.
Give us Milage points system (better then reward points system)

NON KMS - Changes

So in my opinion should delete all things that are not KMS such as: Maps, Systems, Classes and more. This is because it makes a lot of problems in the game.

- Delete all non KMS maps- Delete all non KMS Classes- Delete all non KMS changes-Delete all non KMS systems (Like familiar system)

For better Maple.

So how do you actually delete KANNA, HAYATO, JETT, BEAST TAMER and other CLASSES that are NON KMS (but most importantly also do not bring new CLASSES NON KMS that will come in the future like this TMS CLASS)So the answer is simple to that - if for example you have KANNA level 270 with a lot of STATS and also with a lot of really good equipment, then just NEXON will transfer the KANNA to another Mage we want (if it is HAYATO for example then to another warrior we want) or alternatively talk to them they will bring us CLASS JOB is completely different but with the same STATS and with the same equipment only for a different CLASS. And that can be great compensation.

GMS Servers

Merge all servers into one regular server and one Reboot server ( I was thinking of another idea - because MapleSea is available in English as well so why not merage it with GMS? )

Don't know if you noticed or not, but Nexon took down the BLOCK for people living in Vietnam a few months ago. Which has brought GMS more players and more people who want to pay money, so why not lower the BLOCK for the people living in Russia? This will bring another new audience to the game


- Bera
- Reboot


- Luna
- Reboot


- Aqula (or other server name)
- Reboot

Now probably say there will be no place for training, so I have an idea for that First of all make 40 channels per server (BERA, REBOOT) Now the idea is like this - because very soon there will be a 64 BIT game so there will no longer be such bugs / crashes / quality issues. So it will be possible to make it possible to training in PARTY and the point here is that you will not lose EXP but the opposite.

- 2 Members will give us 110% EXP
- 3 Members will give us 120% EXP
- 4 Members will give us 130% EXP
- 5 Members will give us 140% EXP
- 6 Members will give us 150% EXP

Visual changes

It's small things but I would still love to put them on the table.

Quick Move


Change the buttom like here to GMS


Change the icon for GMS teleport rock to this one

Thanks for reading, I would like you to tell me what you think of my ideas or even suggest your own ideas for a better game future :)

(Sorry for my bad english)


  • Member JustGirlNami
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited April 2021
  • Member Tempted
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 4
    edited April 2021
    NON KMS - Changes

    So in my opinion should delete all things that are not KMS such as: Maps, Systems, Classes and more. This is because it makes a lot of problems in the game.

    - Delete all non KMS maps- Delete all non KMS Classes- Delete all non KMS changes-Delete all non KMS systems (Like familiar system)

    For better Maple.

    So how do you actually delete KANNA, HAYATO, JETT, BEAST TAMER and other CLASSES that are NON KMS (but most importantly also do not bring new CLASSES NON KMS that will come in the future like this TMS CLASS)So the answer is simple to that - if for example you have KANNA level 270 with a lot of STATS and also with a lot of really good equipment, then just NEXON will transfer the KANNA to another Mage we want (if it is HAYATO for example then to another warrior we want) or alternatively talk to them they will bring us CLASS JOB is completely different but with the same STATS and with the same equipment only for a different CLASS. And that can be great compensation.

    GMS Servers

    Merge all servers into one regular server and one Reboot server ( I was thinking of another idea - because MapleSea is available in English as well so why not merage it with GMS? )

    Don't know if you noticed or not, but Nexon took down the BLOCK for people living in Vietnam a few months ago. Which has brought GMS more players and more people who want to pay money, so why not lower the BLOCK for the people living in Russia? This will bring another new audience to the game


    - Bera
    - Reboot


    - Luna
    - Reboot


    - Aqula (or other server name)
    - Reboot

    Now probably say there will be no place for training, so I have an idea for that First of all make 40 channels per server (BERA, REBOOT)
    No. These are all terrible ideas. No
  • Member MapleSapo
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 84
    edited April 2021
    Ok lets see..
    - Royal Lable system: I have no idea what it does. You could explain it instead of posting an image in korean language..
    - Selling cubes in AH: I play on reboot, so I don't know how this would affect the game. I don't think it is a bad idea, but again, a non-reboot player could have a better opinion.
    - Delete every Non-KMS content: NO! Just no! I don't see how more maps, more content, more classes are the problem here. I do not agree with you. More content means more fun. More classes causes more diversity and brings more options to players. The ONLY problem with non-kms content is that they need a team to specifically test and creats a ballance with the new content and the original content. This is because usually we receive KMS which is tested by KMS players, so the chance of getting something broken is smaller (but not non-existant!). In fact I think KMS (and others MS versions) should get our content too. Im against exclusive things (like jett only in gms, and others). I believe you think that way because of Kanna's situation, and this could be solved by deleting her Kishin Shoukan skill and raising the same %mob effect to every map of the game, so no other classes would need a kishin effect from an specific classe. Hayato, Jett, Beast Tamer..what is the problem with those? I really really enjoy the Jet background story and believe it could be better explored by adding Cerberus planet (which we knows from NLC story too), maybe even more classes coming from its planet or something. Anyways, I hope this content extinction never happens.
    - Server merge: It is not a bad idea. But again, with less maps (in the case of content deletion like you suggests) this really would bring the needs of more channels.
    - Change teleport rock icon: why? I mean..what is the point? Unless they change its collors by the time the item has to expire (maybe green to 7 days, orange to 3 days, etc), I don't see the point of changing the icon..maybe Im missing something here?

    Well, I apreciate people bring their ideas to community. Thanks for sharing your opinion! :)
  • Member, Private Tester Occire
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 140
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2021
    Royal Style

    The system is Royal Style and Masterpiece, not "Royal Label". "Labels" are just sets of outfits. In what way would getting these systems be an improvement over the Surprise Style Box system?

    In order for a person to get a Master Label item on their own, they have to gamble on both Royal Style Coupons and Masterpiece Machines, much like getting vac pets with Wonderberry and Luna Crystals. Most, if not all, of the clothing from these two systems are already available to us through various Surprise Style Boxes, for example, the 8th Master Label set, the Master Blood set, which we call "Crimson Fate" equips, minus the weapon, "Blood Oath", is available in Adventure Surprise Style Boxes. The 10th and 11th Master Label sets, Master Shadow and Master Star, were put in the Premium Surprise Style Box rotations in December of the past two years. Additionally, the Magical Tailor set (Master Tailor here), the 91st Special Label set is current in Premium Surprise Style Boxes right now.

    It's not like adding these systems would give us 94+ new outfits, we've already gotten most of them, and will continue to get them regardless of whether or not we have Royal Style Coupons or Masterpiece Machines.

    The biggest change would be getting stats on Cash Shop equips, via set effects for Special Label clothes or set effects and temporary stats on Master Label clothes, which is, I would think, a rather contentious point among players, and not strictly a benefit. The worst part is they don't usually re-run these clothes (but are occasionally available as jackpot items from stuff like upcoming "New Maple Leaf" box event), so after they're out, we might never see them again. I think they also admitted they don't plan on re-running items via the conference a little while back.

    The positives would be:
    - Since it's double layered RNG, the Master Label sets are available for longer than a few Surprise Style Box rotations since they're the featured item in the second layer RNG (Masterpiece Machines) for like a year, they don't get rotated out as frequently.
    - Royal Style Coupons are cheaper, 2.2k per coupon vs 3.4k for Surprise Style Boxes (or roughly 3090 NX if you buy the 11 pack boxes, sometimes Royal Style Coupons are sold in packages, but they are not usually discounted, so they're basically always 2.2k)
    -- If you want the Master Label sets, it costs an additional 900 NX (Masterpiece Machine)/1900 NX (Premium Masterpiece Machine) to attempt fusing one Special Label and one Special Label or Red Label item to attempt to make a Master Label item (again, it's very much like getting vac pets), items fused with the 900 NX regular Masterpiece Machine will be untradeable.
    - There are fewer items in Royal Style Coupons, but they also include things like smegas, chairs, and 30 day label/quote rings.

    The cost and contents aren't technically inherent to the system, they could make Royal Style Coupons more expensive or Surprise Style Boxes cheaper, or they could release Royal Style Coupon rotations with more items or Surprise Style Box rotations with less items.

    The biggest thing is, what is the point of switching? We already get the clothes, and no one has to do this double RNG stuff to get Master Label clothes.


    This is not different from Reward Points. It's the same system with a different name. The fact that ours is more restrictive is not an indicator that it's a different thing entirely. If you want 100% mileage/reward point purchases, then say that, saying we should get "mileage" instead of "reward points" is wrong. The Taiwanese MapleStory version just opened up some items to 100% mileage/reward point purchases in their version 230, they didn't change the name from what it was before when it was more restrictive.

    Non-KMS Content
    Basically all your suggestions are to revert or change things to be in line with KMS, except for the server merge.

    I'm just gonna say that making every other version KMS won't necessarily make them better (or worse), unless your goal is just "to be KMS".
  • Member SenzuBean
    Reactions: 775
    Posts: 71
    edited April 2021
    This is definitely a massive change I hope you know that
    Gollux + Sweetwater Accessory Removal cuts off the most viable item build
    Frenzy/Wild/Fury Totem Removal will cause many people to permanently quit the game, both because of massive financial loss and the fact that they spent $1000s on the possibility that no longer exists
    Level up rates in higher levels pretty much require Fz + fs, removal will make training 5~6X slower

    The problem is that these systems have already been implemented
    Removal is a immediate complete sledgehammer nerf to everyone playing and especially to all who have invested money into this game
    There is no immediate positive change that happens from this
    Your Job Removal -> Class Transfer Idea is not ok
    The only reason why TMS did this for Zen is because nobody was playing the class, but in GMS everyone is playing these classes
    People specifically chose certain classes to play and not a different class for reasons only known to them
    You'll anger too many people

    Server Merge into 1 server is not possible unless GMS invests in a better server
    -It's also not too good because some players want low-pop, others want high-pop
    -The issue is that the server is too bad to support extreme high-pop so people just leave high-pop servers

    Maybe your goal was to make GMS as good as KMS, but such a sudden removal is not the way
    You have to think about all the possible outcomes before commitment
    Things like this must be done in small steps meticulously or your intention just becomes ruin
  • Member Latemaster
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 139
    edited April 2021
    Removing stuff isn't the answer. And non kms content doesn't hurt the game that badly. Most broken things are spawn rate increases, gollux and sweetwaters. And well only kish and wild totem are available all the time, frenzies aren't available from marvel/philo anymore. Gollux should be remade to match the items, it makes dreamy belt from hard lucid and pitched earrings from hard darknell little bit bad and since gollux gives plenty of good items it should be harder than those (prob black mage lvl) to match other items.
    Then theres potential badges. Well there's easy fix for that, give black mage badge potential, so it will be the BiS as it should be.
    Familiars are quite handy but only healer familiars are breaking some things (hwill 2nd phase and vhilla mainly).
    Merging all servers to 1 isn't that good idea (and well ems is already having this situation) Less crowded servers will have heavy problems with meso outage and crowded servers have problems with full maps in training spots.
    Kanna is mainly reboot farming class, it has 2nd bind for reg server which is bit broken
  • Member MapleSapo
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 84
    edited April 2021
    Latemaster wrote: »
    Removing stuff isn't the answer. And non kms content doesn't hurt the game that badly. Most broken things are spawn rate increases, gollux and sweetwaters. And well only kish and wild totem are available all the time, frenzies aren't available from marvel/philo anymore. Gollux should be remade to match the items, it makes dreamy belt from hard lucid and pitched earrings from hard darknell little bit bad and since gollux gives plenty of good items it should be harder than those (prob black mage lvl) to match other items.
    Then theres potential badges. Well there's easy fix for that, give black mage badge potential, so it will be the BiS as it should be.
    Familiars are quite handy but only healer familiars are breaking some things (hwill 2nd phase and vhilla mainly).
    Merging all servers to 1 isn't that good idea (and well ems is already having this situation) Less crowded servers will have heavy problems with meso outage and crowded servers have problems with full maps in training spots.
    Kanna is mainly reboot farming class, it has 2nd bind for reg server which is bit broken

    I agree with you. Gollux and his equips doesn't match at all. I mean..some people take a few hours to level to 200. His better equips are 150 but the difficult to kill it without a carry is insane. The player would need gollux equips (along with many others) with really good pot/scrolls/etc to actually kill him in order to get what? The said equips.
    This happens with a lot of content. I wonder how a person could actually kill CRA bosses using a pensalir set (im not saying it is impossible, but someone using a pensalir probably has no other BIS equips). So the player needs at least a CRA set to kill the boss who drops them, and the prize goes to who? Someone else who can't kill it.
    This is a very weird situation.
    You can't imagine how crazy happy I was for like a week when I finally killed Chaos Zakum last month. It was probably the first thing I got by not having someone to carry me on reboot. And for what? His equips are level 150- .. I was already 210+ using CRA helm, Hellux equips.. The effort to kill the boss did not match his drops.
    I don't know. This situation looks like a infinit loop to be carried and carry someone. Most players don't keep trying with their 200+ characters using pensalir and other easy-to-get equips until they actually can kill the boss who will drop what they need next.
    Most bosses need a revamp imo.
  • Member PulledFinger
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 37
    edited May 2021
    MapleSapo wrote: »
    This happens with a lot of content. I wonder how a person could actually kill CRA bosses using a pensalir set (im not saying it is impossible, but someone using a pensalir probably has no other BIS equips).

    Necro or Von Leon set over Pensalir for 100% pure solo progression players. The boss flames and set bonus are massive boosts compared to Pens.
    MapleSapo wrote: »
    You can't imagine how crazy happy I was for like a week when I finally killed Chaos Zakum last month. It was probably the first thing I got by not having someone to carry me on reboot. And for what? His equips are level 150- .. I was already 210+ using CRA helm, Hellux equips.. The effort to kill the boss did not match his drops.

    Zakum's cape is a pretty nice item, not to mention can also transfer into Absolab cape later on (starforce cost saving). The belt also serves as a decent placeholder equip if CPB isn't dropping its belt while you work up towards a Reinforced/Superior Gollux belt.

  • Member PirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited May 2021
    Turning GMS into KMS isn't going to magically solve all of GMS's issues, whether it revolves around UI changes or removal of all non-KMS content, the latter of which is a monumentally bad idea. A lot of the game's issues stem directly from KMS, such as terribly-designed bosses and rigged in-game systems. Also, why exactly do we need Royal Label?