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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Arkarium crash to title health bar still present
Crash to tile screen during the Arkarium fight, his health bar is still present on the title screen, character select, and in game
I Bishoped a little too hard and took a Heaven's Door exit too the title screen, I guess. I probably crashed due to the amount of skill effects on screen, however Arkarium's health bar is still present on the title screen, the character select screen, and in game outside the boss fight. I changed character and the health bar is still there.
Steps to reproduce:
Be a Bishop
Enter Arkarium normal mode
Cast your non cooldown buffs
Talk to him
As he's getting started up cast Triumph Feather, Fountain of Vengeance, Angel of Balance, Benediction, Epic Adventure and Infinity like really quickly
Cast Holy Magic Shell
Cast Peacemaker
Cast Heaven's Door
Crash to title screen with the error "Unable to connect to the game server. Please try again later"
I now have a portable Arkarium healthbar I can take anywhere with any character.
Character name: AndrewHayes
Character level: 218
Character job: Bishop
World name: Elysium
Date and time of the incident: 24/June/2022, 10:30PM ACST