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Restrictions on Dutch players make no sense!

Reactions: 905
Posts: 4
edited June 2022 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I would like to know if there is any research into, or plans to change the regulations surrounding Dutch players.
As we all know, currently, Dutch players are restricted from using in game currency in certain ways and trade functions, which in no way applies to the law that was made in The Netherlands concerning gambling with real money for online casinos and potentially online games.
First off, as I understand it, the law is actually mostly aimed at online casinos, so it literally has nothing to do with this game AT ALL. BUT, if we are to take the gambling aspect into account, then even with the current restrictions on Dutch players, Nexon is still breaking the law!! (and they have caused my friend to actually quit playing and I too have skipped a few months, because it annoyed the heck out of me that I can't even use the auction house anymore AND I have also restricted myself from spending a lot of money on NX, as Nexon clearly does not have our interest in mind).
There is NO restriction on in game trading in the Dutch law! The things that would be illegal, if you want to really look at the law, even if the law isn't exactly upheld for any other game where you can buy lootboxes etc. then the law would apply to any luck related item that randomly gives you stuff (or stats), although there's a caveat that says you can still sell gacha-type items as long as the odds are known.
I seriously don't understand how Nexon ever got the idea that in game trading was EVER related in any kind of way. That would literally make pretty much ANY game unplayable!!
I would like to know if there are any plans to revise this weird policy, where you're basically telling Dutch players "You can play the game, but only severely and unfairly restricted compared to other players, because Nexon has no understanding of how laws work."
Does anybody know if there are any plans at all, or even rumors of plans, to look into the laws properly and make an acceptable solution that works for Dutch players?
I would post a link to a site about the Dutch law, but problem 1, it's in Dutch, so most people won't be able to read it, problem 2, I have no idea whether or not I'm even allowed to post links, so I am assuming I am not. In any case, the point is as I said before, we can still get NX-cash to spend on gambling-like items, which is the actual thing the law was designed for, while we are unable to do regular stuff with in-game currencies (mesos), which is completely unrelated to the law, as it does not involve gambling!
I still wonder who came up with that idea in the first place and how they could have been so wrong.
I just hope that this misunderstanding of the law and actually disobeying of it, will be fixed at some point, because it really is a lot less fun to play like this and I will keep holding on to my resolve not to spend NX on much else than Teleportation rocks for the time being. In that aspect, it's kind of good for my wallet, that Nexon made this mistake! Which is actually the whole point that this law was made! To keep people from overspending on that off-chance that they might get something great (From cubes for example).
Not saying that Nexon should ban the use of NX for Dutch players, don't get me wrong! Just read the actual law and abide by it!
Nexon had already been making small steps in that direction anyway, by being more open about the ratio at which you can get certain items.
That's really all that is asked for, for as far as I can tell from what I was able to find about the laws here. To know what you're getting into, when you do decide to gamble. The rest is all up to you, to decide if a 0.1% chance of getting what you want, is really worth all your money.

Sorry for the long rant. I hope this is being read by the creators of MapleStory and they will try to do something that will help make me and many other Dutch players enjoy the game again, like we used to be able to.


  • ElibriumElibrium
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2022
    I've been trying to make it make sense to their support team as well, it's been a thing for like 9 months. And their restrictions are actually insane. The literal only fix they needed to do was to make NX items untradeable and it would've been completely fine. But they had to just completely ruin the game. With no offer for returning players to even go to reboot.

    I don't get it. I guess they just hate dutch players.
  • LadyLady
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    I totally agree with the both of you! Im also a Dutch player and its ridiculous that I cant even buy something like cloves or something in the auctionhouse. This whole thing has nothing to do with gambling anymore. I makes the game utmost unplayable for us Dutchies. Pls Nexon fix this issue on be halve of all Dutch players! I hope more people can leave a comment here so maybe we can bring this under their attention again.
  • TeanoTeano
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1

    I would love to play maple again but everything I had was on Luna including lab legion blocks.
    And Im not motivated to move to reboot.
    There is no game that did the restrictions this way except for maple.
    Its not even about restricting nx shop items. The only thing they had to remove for dutch players is loot boxes bought with nx.
    Thats the only thing that would be against the dutch gambling law.

    Nexon is just screwing Dutch players.
    If they actually wanted a solution they would have made loot boxes unbuyable with NX for Dutch players.
    Then if they really felt sorry for us they could have just given us some free loot boxes each event ;P
    I mean they can disable all trading for only dutch players.
    Therefore they would also be able to change events / apply the restrictions in another way.
  • KhenlaiKhenlai
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    I've been playing on and off for 10+ years. When I came back two years ago, I decided to try out the Reboot server. During the current Burning World event, I decided to make a character on Burning World to later on transfer to Scania - the first server I started playing Maple on - because I missed the FM and Auction House. I was about to spend 20K NX on a Stella Pass for double rewards, when I discovered the restrictions for Dutchies. Honestly, I hope Nexon recognizes their 'fixes' and restrictions ruined the game for Dutch people and lifts them. Make the game accessable and fun for Dutchies again, Nexon.

    PLEASE, fix this.