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Let Belgian players enjoy fashionStory
Here i am again...
Fix the cash shop for Belgian players... I know we are not with allot but please for the ones still remaining let us enjoy the fashion side of this game.
Every rotation from the pssb boxes i see stuff i can only wish for... Literally, beceause in no possible way i am able to get one of these items. Sure, the argument could be "just switch to reg server, then you can buy it in ah"... Well we cant buy any cube from the cs so where is the fun if you cant even make an item yourself.
So my suggestions would be:
1. Let Belgian players buy the items directly, no rng involved. Since it has to be "fair" in some way these items should be 30k+ for 1 item
2. Let Belgian players move nx trough worlds only reg to reboot. This way we can buy it from the AH with mesos we buy from the mesosmarket in the free market with maplepoints.
3. Stop selling rng boxes entirely (i know this one is most likely never going to happen unles usa bannes rng boxes from games) ps: i hope they do.
4. Make a cash shop "battlepas/ Seasonpas" with all kinds of stuff from the pssb boxes/ royals hairs and faces. 100 items for 100$. Each one unlocked if you stay online for an hour a day.
I know allot of people outside Belgium can say tho these thing "that wouldnt be fair" i understand that. But the way it is now, is also very unfair. My cash shop is 90% of the year empty or just one stupid package that has been in the game since forever and has to return every 6 months.... Make some new packages...
So as the CM said that i contacted on discord: "Put it in Suggestions on the forum we do read them all"....
Go for it, make something happen. Show that you care about EVERY player.