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Favorite classes to play.
first of all I'm not sure if this belongs in general chat or questions (general I'm guessing I apologize if this is the wrong forum)

ANYWAYS, so I was thinking today about what classes I play in most games (generally I pick the same ones almost every time) but what about maybe story? what do I enjoy playing the most? Well I've played about 95% of the classes maple has to offer and here is my top 5 favorite classes to play as of right now.
What about you? what are your top 5 (or less if you'd like) classes to play in Maple Story! feel free to explain why as well.
That's my top 5.
Angelic Buster
Any other non-mage class
Mage classes
I dunno why, I just hate teleport as a form of movement. I much prefer flash jump. I had the most fun with Zero's skills, AB's my main, and I enjoyed the other non-mage classes pretty equally.
Battle Mage - Very versatile and swift
Wild Hunter - You ride a jaguar, you can attack while moving, you can attack while moving backwards, swift. What's not to like?
Bishop - My main, what're HP pots?, what are Return Scrolls?, buffs ahoy!
Wind Archer - Swift, pretty versatile, good damage even without funding
My favorite class it F/P Wizard
paladin : love their high def and the fact they can tank almost everything
mercedes : they might not be strong but i love their skillls and their combo system (even though my keyboard might hate them for their many skills xd)
´demonslayer : remind me a bit on paladin, also they have wings there is no need for more xD
kanna : they might not be the strongest , they might have the slowest teleport from all mages, but i love haku
(even if i dissagree with the hairstyle chioces they made after a few revamp...)
and last but not least
wild hunter : but i speak about the old version when they got released.
i loved it to have a mount right from the start you also were able/must have it activ 24/7 but i didnt mind that. beside jaguar they also had other animals
in their disposel like eagle and headhog. and they even were able to kill mobs by simply walking by with their mine skills xD
or how everyone wanted to catch jaira on their wh, but almost nobody had it some were even so evil to kill all other jairas after they got their own.... just so that it stay rare for them...... ahhhh goood old times xD
Demon avenger
Angelic buster
In that order
2 Dawn Warrior
3 Demon Slayer
4 Mechanic
5 Wind Archer
2. Kinesis
3. Beast tamer
4. mihile
5. zero - because hes gonna be a side project later on
Fire Poison
2. Thunder Breaker
3. Mihile
4. Pink Bean
5. Buccaneer
2. Night Lord
3. Kinesis
4. Night Walker
5. Wild Hunter
Wind archer
Battle mage
The rest of the adventurer classes(they're tied)