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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Strange things with Inferno Wolf's Den
When: Since the update.
What is going on?: I go into the wolf den's portal and if there are other players already in there I seem to finish early and end up with some one else's damage result. Normally I go into the portal and get the enormous reward or the kill, however, since the update if I port in there and someone else is already there I don't get to fight on my timer, it's as if the game confuses me as the other player and I get put on their timer and get their reward. I can be "finished" even with 17 secs, 9 secs, 11secs etc etc remaining on my own timer and I get random damage rewards. When I enter the portal and I'm the only one in there or if another player arrives after me the timer last the proper length (my own timer) and I receive the enormous reward.
To me it looks like the game mixes up players if there is a bunch fighting the wolf at the same time, can't explain the weirdness any other way, it's like it sets everyone on the same timer regardless of the count down of your own personal timer.
We are looking into this issue but would you be able to provide more information or a video clip of it?
Do you experience such every time you enter the Inferno Wolf Den?
Thank you.